CoDA Service Conference Items Page 1
MOTION 87001 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Teen Name
Subject Issues before the Conference
Item: The Conference Delegates voted to (11) call for suggestions from the general membership about the development of CoDA meetings for
children and teens.
MOTION 87002 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Service Office Name
Subject Issues Before the Conference
Item: 1. Delete the return address from any literature mailed from NSO to the general membership which identified the origin of the mailing as
coming from Co-Dependents Anonymous. This was done to protect the anonymity of the recipient. and 2. Approve for distribution a
National Meeting Directory to be sent to all registered meetings, listing names of meeting, place, date, and time of meeting. Allow each
meeting contact person to choose how or whether their names and telephone numbers would be listed in the Directory.
MOTION 87003 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals and Institutions Name
Subject Committee Report
Item: Anne D. presented a proposal to take CoDA meetings into jails and other appropriate institutions. Key points included using the Twelve
Traditions of CoDA as guidelines for service and the establishment of a Hospital and Institutions Committee structured as follows: a. At the
local level, the committee would consist of a chairperson, co-chair person, literature person, and General Information Representative (GIR).
B. Monthly or quarterly meetings might be held to share related business of the committee and its work. C. The work of each H&I
committee at the local level might be represented at the National Service Conference through communication with the National H&I
committee. D. H&I Committee representatives will respond to all requests for CoDA literature, meetings, or information about CoDA in a
timely manner, and will conduct CoDA meetings at such facilities upon mutual agreement of all parties. E. It is suggested that all H&I
committee members explain CoDA Tradition to each facility administrator. F. It is suggested that the H&I Committee Literature person
serve a two year term, and will assure that only approved or Board approved CoDA literature be made available to meetings held in facilities
requesting them. G. It is suggested that the GIR service a two-year term and act as liaison between individual CoDA groups and the
community H&I Committee.
Remarks Institutions, H&I
MOTION 87004 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals and Institutions Name
Subject Committee Format
Item: Move to suggest this suggested condensed format with the additions of #10 being the sharing part and #11 being the closing the Lord's prayer.
MOTION 87005 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject Function
Item: Move to empower the Board to review and approve literature submitted to it pending annual Conference approval.
MOTION 87006 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject CoDA Book
Item: Since recovery from co-dependency is a dynamic process, articles, stories and recovery-related literature would be compiled annually, printed
and bound, rather than have one book as a dogmatized version of the growth of CoDA.
CoDA Service Conference Items Page 2
MOTION 87007 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject Issues Before the Conference
Item: The Conference Delegates voted to; 1) Accept the First Step of the Twelve Steps of CoDA as written "powerless over others." 2) Approve
the three pamphlets submitted by Bill T. of the National Literature Committee. Pamphlet #1 to be the Serenity Prayer, the Twelve Steps and
Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous. Pamphlet #2 to be Guide to Listening and sharing at CoDA meetings. Pamphlet #3 to be
Patterns of Co-Dependency. 3) Delete any and all professional language from CoDA approved or board approved literature. 4) Retain the
bear as the CoDA logo until the 1988 National Service Conference while soliciting additional suggestions from the general membership of
CoDA for a logo. 5) Reject the Precious and Free Butterfly as the CoDA logo. 6)Retain the CoDA trademark, suggesting that the Board
investigate its similarity to the Narcotics Anonymous trademark and report back to the Delegates at the 1988 National Service Conference.
MOTION 87008 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Service and Structure and Name
Charter Committee
Subject Service Manual
Item: Submitted was a copy of the proposed Service Manual of Co-Dependents Anonymous. Brief revisions were suggested and then the Service
Manual in its entirety was accepted.
MOTION 87009 9/1/1987 Vote MAJORITY Committee Service Structure and Name
Charter Committee
Subject Issues before the Conference
Item: The Conference Delegates voted to: 2) Empower the National Service Board of Trustees to act on behalf of the general membership in all
matters related to the business of CoDA, bringing all Board-approved matters to the National Service conference the following year for
consideration by the Delegates. - 3) Limit the number of Conference Delegates to 2 Delegates per state until such time as a suitable method of
representation can be determined. - 4) Return to individual meetings with a suggested distribution for funds received by meetings according to
the Seventh Tradition. Distribution suggested was: 60% to the CoDA Community office, 30% to NSO, 10% to each state office. - 5)
Delegates to the Conference in 1987 would return to their respective states and become the members of the state committee according to the
structure proposed in the National Service Manual. - 6) Adopt the By-Laws, Service Manual and Conference Charter. - 12) Establish CoDA
birthdays as those dates which an individual entered recovery and began working on their individual co-dependency issues. - 16) Refer
suggestions for a "chip system" to recognize individual CoDA birthdays to the State Assemblies. - 17) Limit the amount of personal donations
to CoDA to $1,000.00. - 18) Have each Delegate return to her/his state and develop ideas regarding the nature and purpose of the term
"home group", bearing in mind that each group is ultimately autonomous except in matters effecting other CoDA groups or CoDA as a whole.