CoDA Service Conference Items Page 1
MOTION 89001 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Teen Name
Subject Adult Designation
Item: I make a motion that we change from the word "sponsor", which is referring to the adults assisting the CoDA-Teen meetings, to "host".
MOTION 89002 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Teen Name
Subject Status of CoDA-Teen vs. CoDA
Item: I move that CoDA-Teen not be recognized as a separate program but as part of CoDA as a whole.
MOTION 89003 9/1/1989 Vote DEFEATED Committee CoDA Teen Name
Subject Structure of CoDA-Teen
Item: What I would like to do first is vote on the meeting packet because part of the structure plays a part of the meeting packet. If it's approved,
then that becomes part of the packet. If not, then I'll need to make a change on that motion.
MOTION 89005 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA-Teen Name
Subject CoDA-Kids Program
Item: The motion is that we do not develop a CoDA-Kids Program at this time.
MOTION 89006 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Conference Committee Name
Subject Report/1990 Conference
Item: A motion that we accept the proposed 1989 CoDA Conference Report recommendations with the deleting of #9 and other minor revisions.
MOTION 89007 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Conference Committee Name
Subject Conference Committee Structure
Item: 1. Delegates continue to service as state liaison keeping in contact with the NSO liaison throughout the year and keep current the meeting
contacts within their states. 2. Delegates continue to service throughout the
year on the act as a support group. 3. An idea and suggestion sheet for members be handed out at orientation. These forms could be used to
increase information between committees. Also add a post-evaluation form.
MOTION 89008 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Conference Committee Name
Subject Create Organizational Committee
Item: The motion is to create and establish an organizational support committee whose purpose would be to support the development of CoDA
throughout all levels of organization from helping an area develop a community committee, a community service office, helping a state
develop state structure and assembly, and possibly work in conjunction with a number of other committees as well as in time, into some of the
international organization and structure.
CoDA Service Conference Items Page 2
MOTION 89009 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Conference Committee Name
Subject Budget 1989/1990
Item: Move that we approve the 1989/1990 Conference Budget as proposed.
MOTION 89010 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Convention Committee Name
Subject 1st International Convention
Item: To delete the Recommendations of Convention Committee of Speaker Criteria for CoDA convention page and not the Suggestions for
Marathon Topic Meetings for CoDA Convention page.
MOTION 89011 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Service Office Name
Subject Contact Directory
Item: Move to add a sentence to the group registration form that the contact person whose name appears above gives their permission to have their
name, address, zip code, telephone number sent to the state Delegate. Further, if they are not willing to provide this information, they provide
the name, address, zip code, and telephone number of an individual who would be willing to have this information sent to the state Delegate.
And that permission is also granted to have the first name, first initial of last name, of the person above be printed in the International
Directory of Meetings.
MOTION 89012 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Service Office Name
Subject National Service Office Information Disbursement
Item: Move that the NSO send the state Delegates any updated information regarding meetings or contact persons within their state on a bimonthly
basis, with an entirely new list to be provided to the State Delegate annually.
MOTION 89013 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Service Office Name
Subject Meeting Directory
Item: For the purposes of CoDA members traveling or moving or for whatever purpose, that the first name and the first initial of the last name, and
telephone number of the state Delegate and state office of CoDA be published in the international meeting directory.
MOTION 89014 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee CoDA Service Office Name
Subject State Issues National Service Office Name Change
Item: That the present National Service Office's name be changed to International Service Office.
MOTION 89015 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals & Institutions Name
Subject Closed Environment Meetings
Item: Move that we do not have any CoDA meetings in closed environments where the facility is not willing to have counselors back or whatever to
deal with these issues as these people start to get into their stuff, or to pull in outside help to deal with that.
CoDA Service Conference Items Page 3
MOTION 89016 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals & Institutions Name
Subject Institutional Format
Item: The motion is that we eliminate the statement of closing with the Lord's Prayer and use the same closing that the newcomers package is
adapting, "The prayer of your choice"
MOTION 89017 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals & Institutions Name
Subject Handbook
Item: The motion is to accept its structure and its contents as they state and to understand it will be edited and fine-tuned before it's in final print.
MOTION 89018 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Hospitals & Institutions Name
Subject Handbook Name
Item: Motion that we call it CoDA Member Handbook for Hospitals and Institutional Service Work.
MOTION 89019 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject Restructuring
Item: Motion that the following suggestions be approved in the restructuring of the Literature Committee: A) Formation of an official Standing
Committee to work throughout the year. B) The working committee to consist of; Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, 7 creative members (1
Integrator, 3 writers, and 3 editors) C) Meetings - 2 per year plus pre-Conference meeting, 1 after Jan. Board meeting, 1 after May Board
meeting, 1 pre-conference meeting. D) Travel and meeting costs to be paid from National Literature Fund.
MOTION 89020 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject Pamphlets Steps 4-9
Item: Move that the Conference adopt the Steps (4-9) as written and submit to the Literature Committee any changes with regard to grammar and
syntax, etc.
MOTION 89021 9/1/1989 Vote DEFEATED Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject State Issues Co-Dependency Version of 12 Steps
Item: Move that a Standing Committee be formed that would work throughout the year on the task of exploring a version of the 12 steps and
traditions from a perspective of Co-dependency and present it to the next Conference.
MOTION 89022 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Literature Committee Name
Subject Medallions
Item: Motion that this Conference affirm the National Board of Trustees decision to enter into the manufacture and distribution of appropriate
anniversary medallions and chips.
CoDA Service Conference Items Page 4
MOTION 89023 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Periodicals and Publications Name
Subject Rename Bear Facts
Item: A motion that we rename Bear Facts. New name Co-NNECTIONS.
MOTION 89024 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Periodicals and Publications Name
Subject Copying Newsletter vs. Subscriptions
Item: Move that the Conference's recommendation is that Co-NNECTIONS should not be duplicated with the exception of H&I purposes and that
the only duplications allowed from the Co-NNECTIONS will be the subscription forms.
MOTION 89025 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Periodicals and Publications Name
Subject Co-NNECTIONS availability of material for reproduction
Item: Motion that the material that is printed in Co-NNECTIONS be available for reproduction in state and community newsletters with the
acknowledgment of which issue and the date that it appeared originally in Co-NNECTIONS or Bear Facts.
MOTION 89026 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Periodicals and Publications Name
Subject Bulk Rate for Co-NNECTIONS
Item: Move that the Periodicals and Literature Committee have the authority to set a price for quantities of Co-NNECTIONS to be mailed.
MOTION 89027 9/1/1989 Vote Committee Rules of Order Name
Subject National Service Office Employee Voting Privileges
Item: Move that the list of "who can vote" as listed in the parliamentary procedure portion of the packet be amended to replace "an NSO
Employee" with "An NSO Executive Director".
MOTION 89028 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Rules of Order Name
Subject Counting Votes
Item: Move that the counting be done by others than by voting people.
CoDA Service Conference Items Page 5
MOTION 89029 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Service Structure and Name
Charter Committee
Subject Service Manual
Item: 1) One Trustee and selected members of the NSO Conference Committee accept responsibility for evaluating and suggesting revisions to the
service manual, structure, and Conference plan of CoDA. - 2) And, that the Delegates advice the CoDA members they represent to send
suggested revisions to the service manual, structure of CoDA, and conference plan to them in a timely manner. - 3) And, that the Delegates to
this 1989 Conference return their suggested revisions and comments to the NSO Conference Committee by February 14, 1990. - 4) And, that
the sum of $5,000 be appropriated and set aside for the purposes of this work and the work of this committee. - 5) And, that the NSO
Conference Committee be charged with the responsibility of meeting and summarizing suggested revisions to the service manual, CoDA
structure, and Conference plan, and provide this information to the Delegates of the 1990 Conference for their consideration prior to that
MOTION 89030 9/1/1989 Vote MAJORITY Committee Service Structure and Name
Charter Committee
Subject Conference Committee Create Organizational Committee
Item: The motion is to create and establish an organizational support committee whose purpose would be to support the development of CoDA
throughout all levels of organization from helping an area develop a community committee, a community service office, helping a state
develop state structure and assembly, and possibly work in conjunction with a number of other committees as well as in time into some of the
international organization and structure.