Service Conference Items Page 1
FYI 13001 7/9/2013 Vote Committee
Facilitator Name Michelle E
Subject Opening
Item: Open ing, introductions,
expanation of process.
ACTION 13002 7/7/2013 Vote Committee
facilitator Name Michelle
Subject Quorum Count
Item: 33 voting members. Quorum =
MOTION 13003 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee conference
floor Name Barbara
Subject Grant voice to committee
Item: Motion to grant voice to all
chairs and allow them to pass the badge to other committee members if needed,
to grant voice to alternate
delegates. If only one delegate, another member from that VE can be granted
voice for a
maximum of two voices per
that VE. Grant voice to all fellowship service workers.
Remarks pro: 27
anti: 0
abstained: 2
ACTION 13004 7/9/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Facilitator Name Michelle
Subject Approve agenda
Item: Eliminate 4:05 Events report
on Wednesday
Add motion to H&I report
Remarks pro: 33
con: 0
abstain: 0
ACTION 13005 7/9/2013 Vote Committee
Facilitator Name Michelle
Subject Quorum count
Item: Quorum achieved
FYI 13006 7/9/2013 Vote Committee
Voting Entity Name Lisa B
Item: VE Issues
CA-13-01: Assigned to Board, as it may involve by-law
CO-13-01: Assigned to SSC
MA-13-01: Assigned to Board
who will work with other committes as needed.
TX-13-01: Assigned to Literature.
Remarks CA-13-01 (Canada): That
Canadian cities with international airports be considered as potential host
sites for Co-
Dependents Anonymous service
conferences and conventions.
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Conference Items Page 2
CO-13-01: Submitted newcomer
meeting format that is used in Colorado. Passing on to CoDA Inc. for possible
MOTION 13007 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Board Name Dagmar
Subject motion #5
Item: Motion: To support the
Board’s intent to engage the services of an Association Management Company
(Amend:) for a one year
trial and report back to CSC 2014.
Intent To free up the Board to
devote more time and energy to the needs of the Fellowship as opposed to the
needs of the
Corporation. Our goal is to ensure the sustainability and
growth of CoDA as a worldwide organization to carry the
message and support recovery
for codependents everywhere.
Remarks During the current Board’s
transition from the previous Board we encountered many difficulties. This
included a
lack of a policies and
procedures manual and mentoring or guidance in ensuring the legal and fiscal
compliance of
the corporation. We spent the first year “reinventing the
wheel”. For example, we were unaware of
the necessity
to file the appropriate
documentation when new Board Trustees are elected. We discovered our bond was
insufficient for the amount
of funds in our account and we were lacking liability insurance for Board
officers. An
AMC could track these types
of issues continuously, thereby, providing continuity and protection of CoDA as
corporation from one Board
to the next.
An AMC could help facilitate the completion
of big projects that require more time, energy and expertise than
are feasible for a volunteer
only organization. Such projects could
1. Implementation and maintenance of a new website
2. Implementation of a new meeting search engine
3. Database management
4. Facilitation and maintenance of Translation, Publication and
Distribution (P and D) contracts Amend to add
"and Copyrights"
5. Creation and maintenance of Policy and Procedures manual
pro: 32
con: 0
MOTION 13008 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Board Name Barbara
Subject motion #6
Item: To increase the 2013 budget
for website development from $6K to $25K.
Intent To have an adequate budget
for a properly developed website and meeting search database and interface.
Remarks pro: 32
con: 2
abstained: 1
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MOTION 13009 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Board Name Lisa B
Subject motion #1
Item: To make the following
changes to Section 6 of the FSM (CoDA Service Structure):
Change #1
Board Overseen Service Functions
• Fellowship Services (formerly CoDA Service Office)
Board Overseen Services (Amend: removed
• Fellowship Services (formerly CoDA Service Office)
o Admin FSW
o Webmaster
o Email List Coordinator
Change #2
Add the following under "List of CoDA Standing
• Communications Committee (Comm) Note: only abbreviation
• Spanish Outreach Committee (SPO)
Change #3
Board Liaison to Standing CoDA
Description: The Board assigns a member to serve as
liaison, to provide a communication link between each
standing conference
committee, the Board, and the Fellowship
• Liaisons communicate pertinent information to their
assigned committee, including: dates of Board meetings,
CoDA Quarterly Service
Report (QSR) publication deadlines, and any information related to the
committee’s goals
or commitments to the
• Liaisons may serve in a consulting capacity between
committees, providing guidance in such areas as financial
management of committee
• Liaisons communicate changes in CoDA’s overall
financial status to committee chairs as soon as possible in order
to allow for any expenditure
• Liaisons provide guidance in adherence to the Twelve
Traditions in all activities.
• Liaisons report on committee activities to the Board at
the quarterly Board meeting, if no committee chair or
representative attends.
Liaisons submit written copies of standing committee reports to the Board
before or at each
scheduled Board meeting.
• Liaisons review committee reports prior to presentation
to the Board and Fellowship, and prior to publication in
the QSR. Liaisons may
suggest changes to any report.
Board Liaison to Standing CoDA
Description: The Board assigns a member to serve as
liaison to each standing committee as well as other CoDA
service entities such as Ad
Hoc committees or Task Forces. The
liaison provides a communication link between
the Board and the committee
or service entity
• Liaisons communicate pertinent information to their
assigned committee, including: dates of Board meetings,
CoDA Quarterly Service
Report (QSR) publication deadlines, and any information related to the
committee’s goals
or commitments to the
• Liaisons may serve in a consulting capacity between
committees, such as discussions between the Translation
Management Committee and the
Literature committee related to CoDA Conference Endorsed Literature.Liaisons
communicate changes in
CoDA’s overall financial status to committee chairs as soon as possible in
order to allow
for any expenditure
• Liaisons communicate with committees when there are
legal issues that impact the committee’s work.
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• Liaisons provide guidance in adherence to the Twelve
Traditions, and Twelve Service Concepts
in all activities.
Liaisons may provide support
when asked in preparation for the annual CoDA Service Conference..
• Liaisons may be asked to attend a committee’s face to
face meeting to serve in a consulting capacity. Liaisons may
be invited to attend regular
committee conference calls and asked to join the committee’s email alias.
• Liaisons report on committee activities and bring any
committee concerns to the Board before or at each scheduled
Board meeting. Liaisons prepare monthly written summaries
for submission to the Board before or at each
scheduled Board meeting.
• Liaisons review committee reports prior to submission
to the QSR Liaison and editor for publication in the QSR.
Liaisons may suggest changes
to any report
Intent To add missing information
and to include the revised Board Liaison to Standing Committees description
approved by the board.
Remarks pro: 28
con: 0
abstain: 5
MOTION 13010 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Board Name Lisa B
Subject Ratify Board motions
Remarks pro: 23
con: 1
abstain: 4
MOTION 13011 7/9/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Board Name Florence F
Subject Motion #2 -- Changes to
Section 7 of FSM
Item: To make the following
changes to Section 7 of the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) (Board Overseen
and CoDA Standing
Committees, and other CoDA Service Entities):
Change #1
In the heading and in the last page of this section
other CoDA Bodies
other CoDA Service Entities
Change #2
In the Fellowship Services section
Included Services:
CoDA Telephone Point of Contact:
• A system that will provide meeting information and
answers to questions using available technology to keep costs
at a minimal level without
diminishing service. CoDA volunteers should be used where possible.
CoDA Mail:
• Response to all written requests for
information regarding CoDA or Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. sent to the
Phoenix mailing address.
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 5
• A contractor, who is supervised directly by a current
CoDA Board Trustee, handles most requests for information.
• Program information is sent to those requesting such
• Orders received and requests for information for CoDA
Books and CoDA literature are forwarded to the appropriate
CoDA entity for fulfillment.
• Requests for CoDA organization and program information
the Contractor is unable to answer are forwarded to the
Outreach Committee.
Co-Dependents Anonymous Meeting and Contact
• The Board of Trustees, via Fellowship Services, is
charged with the collection and maintenance of all meeting,
Intergroup, Voting Entity
and CoDA contact data and will oversee the distribution of any part of the
database for
internal use within the
• The Board of Trustees, by its appointed board
liaison(s), supervises the selection of contractors who maintain the
master meeting database and
its timely updates on the CoDA website.
Administrative Fellowship Services
• Picks up U.S. mail at post office box and processes
forwarding it as appropriate
• Registers new groups and updates existing meeting
information as requested and supports members in
understanding the processes
• Sends documents to groups who have requested them
• Coordinates receipt of 7th Tradition contributions
received through U.S. mail and acknowledges online donations
• Prepares and
makes bank deposits; maintains spreadsheets and prepares reports
• Attends to phone volunteer matters including
scheduling, maintaining menus and coordinating with our online and
paid answering service
providers as necessary
• Returns calls made to office line
• Scans and delivers documents to our Corporate Attorney
• Other duties as assigned by the Board
• Maintain the website under the direction of
the board
• Handle requests for changes and/or corrections to the
website either by making the change or by responding with the
explanation of why the change can't be made
• Maintain the email aliases and the corresponding
document that is available on the website
• Forward emails that were sent to the webmaster
• Manage the Spam folder to ensure that no valid messages
were sent there in error
• Backup website monthly to two locations, one onsite and
one offsite in the cloud
• Respond to requests to have links placed on the website
after verifying that the proposed website is consistent with
the current website
• Periodically review all linked sites to ensure that
they are still consistent with web guidelines and when they are no
longer consistent notify the Board Web Liaison
to determine what action should be taken
• Periodically produce meeting list files for use by the
committees that respond to emails and phone calls
• In preparation for annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC)
load all motions and other CSC documents on the
website at least 50 days
before CSC
• Maintain the motions database and produce yearly
post-CSC report that is made available on the website
• Maintain a list of usernames and passwords for various
protected parts of the website and share the list with the
Board Secretary
• Coordinate with the Board Web Liaison as needed
• Other duties as assigned by the Board.
Email list coordinator
• Maintains email address lists of those CoDA members who
have requested receipt of CoDA World Fellowship
announcements by email
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• Sends out messages as provided or requested by
committees, the board and their chairs. Also sends out various
reminder emails (CoDA
events, etc) that they may compose themselves
• Works to optimize methods of sending to reach as many
list members as possible
• Maintains an internet archive of past messages and a
web based list
sign-up; and saves all list subscribe confirmation emails.
• Provides opportunities
for CoDA members to sign up for
the list
• Protects all list members’ anonymity and privacy
• The list is only for Official CoDA World Fellowship
use. It is essential (due to legal reasons and
respect for list
members) to send only to
people who have requested the list
and to limit e-mailings to CoDA
Fellowship issues
• Works to be
aware of and follow all USA email laws. Maintains a
relationship with our email list host,
to have
the knowledge to follow
their policies
• Other duties as assigned by the Board.
Change #3
Delete the following:
CoDA Web Site
The CoDA Web Site workers
manage the public presence of CoDA on the Internet. A large part of this work
involves structuring CoDA’s
web-presence so that it is easy to understand, intuitively formatted,
attractive, and
ultimately useful both to
current CoDA members and to those just discovering our Fellowship. The CoDA Board
of Trustees is responsible
for the execution and oversight of these services.
This effort involves, but is not limited
• Keeping information and mail links current.
• Receiving and updating information submissions in a
timely fashion.
• Generally adding and improving the features and ease of
use of our web site.
Change #4
To add the following in the CoDA Standing Committees
Spanish Outreach Committee
Intent To make changes to be
consistent with the way we operate today.
Remarks pro: 26
con: 0
Abstain: 3
MOTION 13012 7/9/2013 Vote TABLED Committee Board Name Hal H
Subject motion #3
Item: To make the following
changes to Section 13, Use of CoDA Seals and Symbols
Change #1
To replace:
This is the CoDA Seal; it is
trademarked and may not be altered.
Registered “Voting Entities” may use it, or
customize it by adding their
name/country to the outside perimeter of the seal. Content inside the circle may not be
altered. Permission to use this seal must be granted
by CoDA.
This is the CoDA Seal; it is
a registered trademark. Permission for
registered Voting Entities and Intergroups to
use, translate and/or
customize by adding their name to the outside perimeter of the seal must be
granted by CoDA.
CoDA Service Conference
Items Page 7
Content inside the circle may not be altered
in any other way.
Change #2
To replace the Trademark
symbol with the Registered symbol next to our corporate seal.
Change #3
To remove the Literature
seal and its associated wording since it is not being used.
Change #4
To add the Trademark symbol
next to the two Co-NNections seals.
Note: A complete version of
this page with changes is in Board Motion 3 Attachment.
Intent To make it clear that our
corporate seal is not just Trademarked but also Registered.
To eliminate the Literature
seal since it is not being used.
To correct confusing wording
and make very clear under what conditions our corporate seal may be used by
To add the Trademark symbol
to the two Co-NNections seals since they are used as our Trademarks although
are not Registered.
Remarks pro:
Tabled to re-write
MOTION 13013 7/9/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Board Name Evie S
Subject motion #4
Item: To make the following
changes to Section 10 of the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), Conference
Procedures and
Community Problem Solving
Change #1
To spell out "Voting
Entity" in the heading under the section heading which will now read:
Change #2
Under Definitions, in the
definition for Foundational Motions, on line 4, change Codependents to
Change #3
Immediately following the
Definitions section:
Guidelines for Foundational
Item Changes:
Guidelines for Submitting Documents for
Change #4
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Conference Items Page 8
In Guidelines for Committees
Presenting Reports at CSC:
It is helpful to include the
following in reports to the CSC:
a. The status of all Fellowship issues received in the past
year from Voting Entities.
B. The Fellowship issues received at the current CSC
c. Committee responses to Fellowship issues.
D. A summary of the progress you have made on other projects
you have been working on and plans for any new
E. A of your financial plan including goals and budget for
the coming year.
Responses to Fellowship
issues may include:
a. Determination that the Fellowship issue has already been
addressed; therefore, the recommendation is not
needed. Include references
to CoDA guidelines already in place that address the issue
b. Determination that the Fellowship issue recommendation/s
cannot be implemented due to Step or Tradition
C. Acceptance of the Fellowship issue recommendation to
resolve issue; present preliminary motions based on that
D. Decision to table the Fellowship issue for further
discussion. Offer an estimated timeframe for making a decision
on the issue.
It is helpful to include the
following in reports to the CSC:
a. The status of all Fellowship/Voting Entity issues that
were assigned to their committee.
B. The Fellowship issues received at the current CSC
c. Committee responses to Fellowship and Voting Entity
D. A summary of the progress you have made on other projects
you have been working on and plans for any new
E. A financial plan including goals and budget for the
coming year.
Responses to Fellowship and
Voting Entity issues may include:
a. Determination that the issue has already been addressed;
therefore, the recommendation is not needed. Include
references to CoDA
guidelines already in place that address the issue
b. Determination that the issue recommendations cannot be
implemented due to Step or Tradition violations.
C. Acceptance of the issue recommendation to resolve issue;
present preliminary motions based on that
D. Decision to table the issue for further discussion. Offer
an estimated timeframe for making a decision on the
Change #5
In Guidelines for Presenting
Fellowship Issues to CSC:
In the heading replace the word "Fellowship"
with "Voting Entity"
In bullets "d" and "e" replace the
word "Fellowship" with "Voting Entity"
Intent To expand VE to Voting
Entity, to correct two errors and to be
clear when referencing Fellowship Issues and Voting
Entity Issues .
pro: 31
con: 0
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Conference Items Page 9
MOTION 13014 7/9/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee CoRe Name
Subject Report & motion #1
update CoRe By-Laws
Item: Up Date By-Laws
Currently: (A Texas
Non-Profit Corporation)
(A North Carolina Non-Profit
2.1 Principal Offices.
The principal office of the corporation in the State of Texas North
Carolina shall be located
in the City of
Dallas,Denver, County of Dallas.Lincoln
2.2 Other Offices. The corporation may have such other offices,
either within or outside of the County of
Dallas,Lincoln, State of
Texas,North Carolina, as the Board of Directors may determine or as the affairs
of the
corporation may require from
time to time.
2.3 Registered Office and Registered Agent. The corporation shall have and continuously
maintain in the State of
Texas a registered office, and a registered agent whose office is identical
with such registered
office, as required by the
Texas North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation Act. The registered office may be, but need
not be, identical with the
principal office of the corporation in the State of Texas North Carolina, and
the address of
the registered office may be
changed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
4.13 Powers. All the corporate powers, except such as are
otherwise provided for in these Bylaws and in the laws of
the State of Texas North Carolina, shall be
and are hereby vested in and shall be exercised by the Board of
7.1 Policy of
Indemnification and Advancement of Expenses.
To the full extent permitted by the Texas North
Carolina Non-Profit
Corporation Act, as amended from time to time, the corporation shall indemnify
Representative against
judgments, penalties (including excise and similar taxes), fines, settlements,
and reasonable
expenses (including court
costs and attorneys’ fees) actually incurred by any such person who was, is or
is threatened
to be made a named defendant or respondent in
a Proceeding because the person is or was a Representative and shall
advance to such person such reasonable
expenses as are incurred by such person in connection therewith.
Intent To correct By-Laws to
reflect current location of the CoRe
Office. Change “Dallas,
Texas” to “Denver, North Carolina” and County of Dallas to County of Lincoln
Remarks pro: 34
con: 0
abstain: 0
MOTION 13015 7/9/2013 Vote Committee
CoRe Name
Subject motion #2
Item: Change ARTICLE 5.5 Treasurer
5.2 Treasurer. The
Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, shall have custody of
and be
responsible for all funds
and securities of the corporation, and receive and give receipts for money due
and payable to
the corporation from any source
whatever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in such
or other depository as shall
be selected by the Board of Directors, and in general perform all the duties
incident of the
office of Treasurer as may from time to time
by assigned by the Chairman of the Board of
5.2 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the
Board of Directors, and work in concert with the accounting
firm that handles orders, receivables,
payables, making deposits and check writing. Accounting firm has custody of
all funds and securities.
Treasurer will review monthly accounting records, verify monthly bank
statements, review
and approve expense reports,
and produce the financial reports.
Treasurer will be bonded, as well as the accounting
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Intent To reflect current
responsibilities of Treasurer. And reflect use of an accounting firm and its
Remarks pro: 31
con: 0
abstain: 2
MOTION 13016 7/9/2013 Vote Committee
CoRe Name motion #3
Subject change CoRe By-Laws
Item: Change ARTICLE 5.6
5.7 Secretary. The
Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors in
books provided for
that purpose; he or she shall attend to the
giving and serving of all notices; in the furtherance of the purposes of this
corporation and subject to
limitations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, he or she may sign with
a President
or Vice President in the name of the
corporation and/or attest the signatures thereto, all contracts, conveyances,
franchises, bonds, deeds,
assignments, mortgages, notes and other instruments of the corporation, he or
she shall
have charge of the
corporation’s books, records, documents
and instruments, except the books of account and
financial records and
securities of which the Treasurer shall have custody and charge, and other
books and papers as
the Board of Directors may
direct, all which shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of
any director
upon application at the
office of the corporation during business hours; and, he or she shall in
general perform all
duties incident to the
office of Secretary subject to the control of the Board of Directors.
5.2 Secretary. The
Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors in
books and/or
stored on CoRe web space
provided for that purpose; he or she shall attend to the giving and serving of
all notices;
in the furtherance of the
purposes of this corporation and subject to limitations contained in the
Articles of
Incorporation, he or she may
sign with a President or Vice President in the name of the corporation and/or
attest the
signatures thereto, all
contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds, deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes
and other
instruments of the
corporation, he or she shall have charge of the corporation’s books, records, documents and
instruments, except the
books of account and financial records and securities of which the Treasurer
shall have
custody and charge, and other
books and papers as the Board of Directors may direct, all which shall at all
reasonable times be open to
the inspection of any director upon application at the office of the
corporation during
business hours; and, he or
she shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary
subject to the
control of the Board of
Intent reflect the use of the web
and electronic records.
Remarks pro: 33
con: 0
abstain: 0
MOTION 13017 7/9/2013 Vote TABLED Committee CoRe Name
Subject Change ARTICLE 8.4 of CoRe
Item: Current:
8.1 Notice and Waiver of Notice. Whenever any notice whatever is required to
be given under the provisions of
these By-Laws, such notice
shall be deemed to be sufficient if given by depositing the same in a post
office box in a
sealed postpaid wrapper
addressed to the person entitled thereto at his or her post office address, as
it appears on the
books of the corporation,
and such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the second day on which
U.S. mail
is delivered after the day of such
mailing. A waiver of notice, whether
before or after the time stated therein, shall be
deemed equivalent to the giving of such
8.2 Notice and Waiver of Notice. Whenever any notice whatever
is required to be given under the provisions of
these By-Laws, such notice
shall be deemed to be sufficient if given by depositing the same in a post
office box in a
sealed postpaid wrapper
addressed to the person entitled thereto at his or her post office address, as
it appears on the
books of the corporation,
and such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the second day on which
U.S. mail
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is delivered after the day of such
mailing. Notice may also be given via
e-mail and will be considered delivered
unless email is returned due
to incorrect address. A waiver of
notice, whether before or after the time stated therein,
shall be deemed equivalent
to the giving of such notice.
Intent To add use of email
Remarks pro:
MOTION 13018 7/9/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Name
Item: adjourn
Remarks Lisa
2nd Dagmar
ACTION 13019 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
facilitator Name
Subject quorum count
Item: count = 31, quorum = 16
MOTION 13020 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
floor Name David Mc
Subject accept minutes from
Item: 2nd Dagmar
Remarks pro: 29
con: 0
abs: o
FYI 13021 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
IMC Name Natasha
Subject Report
Item: Gave presentation
MOTION 13022 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject reduce prudent reserve
motion 2-2
Item: That the definition of the
Prudent Reserve contained in the description of the Finance Committee in
Section 7 of the
Fellowship Service Manual be
updated so it reads:
Prudent reserve equals 2 years of actual
Intent Redefine the prudent reserve
to 2 years instead of 3 years. In motion
12029 the definition of the prudent reserve for
CoDA was added to the FSM.
It was placed at the bottom of the Finance Committee’s description in Section
Remarks At the recommendation of
financial and legal counsel, the board and finance committee agreed that we
have too
much cash for an
organization that owns no property. All of our assets are in cash or cash
equivalents. In the past
we have operated in an
atmosphere of scarcity when we have had a large prudent reserve. By redefining
our prudent
reserve, we can gradually increase our budget
and expand our service to the codependent who still suffers.
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Pro: 31
con: 1
abstain: 0
MOTION 13023 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject motion 6-1
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Policy Appendix A be replaced with the following:
Appendix A
CoDA’s Per Diem and Mileage
rates will be equal to the government approved rate as found on US government
website(s). The Finance Committee will have these rates
posted as early as possible in the first quarter of the year to
be in effect for the calendar year.
CoDA’s Per Diem rate for a
face to face will be at the lowest Standard Continental United States rate for
meals and
incidental expenses as found
at or similar U. S. General Services Administration site.
CoDA’s Per Diem rate for CSC
will be determined by the city location. Standard Continental United States
rate for
meals and incidental
expenses as found at or similar U. S. General Services
Administration site.
CoDA’s Mileage rate will
equal the Standard Mileage Rates for the year as posted on the IRS website for
miles driven.
Per Diem will be paid in
full on all days except the travel days, which will be paid at 75% unless
travel began before
7:30am on day of departure or completed after
6pm on day of return in which case the full amount will be paid.
The actual currency
conversion rate should be used in submitting Expense Reimbursement Requests
(ERRs) when
there is documentation
available to support it. Otherwise, CoDA will use the currency exchange rate
from the date of
the submission of the ERR.
All trustees and chairs must
register for the Service Conference, even though registration fees are waived
for Board
members and standing
Committee Chairs.
This motion if passed at
2013 CoDA Service Conference will be retroactive to start 7/1/2013.
Intent To set the CoDA Mileage Rate
and Per Diem equal to US Government approved rates and eliminate the need to
a motion each year to keep these rates
If passed the mileage rate
will become 56.5 cents per mile.
If passed the Per Diem rate
will become $46 per day or $34.50 for 75% of a travel day.
Remarks When we passed the ERP last
year, we knew that it was not perfect.
We found out that we needed to make an
adjustment in this area to
be consistent with the desire to reimburse our volunteers at a rate that is
fair to both the
volunteer and CoDA.
Current version of Expense
Reimbursement Policy, Appendix A, reads:
Per Diem rates and mileage
rate changes are approved at the CoDA Service Conference,
• Mileage rate is 50c per
mile (CSC Approved 2011)
• Per Diem is $40 per
day(CSC Approved 2011)
Per diem will be paid in
full on all days except the travel days, which will be paid at 75% unless
travel began
before 7:30am, or completed
after 6pm, in which case the full amount will be paid. The actual currency
rate should be used in submitting ERRs when
there is documentation available to support it. Otherwise, CoDA
will use the currency
exchange rate from the date of the transaction.
All trustees and chairs must
register for the Service Conference, even though registration fees are waived
for Board
members and standing
Committee Chairs.
Pro: 31
con: 1
abstain: 2
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 13
MOTION 13024 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject motion 3
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Policy section 3.a. Transportation, subsections Airlines:,
Private Automobile:,
and Shuttle Bus, Courtesy
Cars, Taxis and Parking: be amended to read:
Airlines: Tickets should be
purchased in advance. All air travel must be economy or coach class. Special,
rates should be used when
possible. The use of frequent flier miles will not be reimbursed. Where a
trusted servant
adds some private travel to
his/her service trip, he/she should submit a quote for travel to and from the
meeting as
well as the receipt for the
actual travel. He/She will be reimbursed the lower amount.
Example: A trusted servant
from San Francisco (SFO) travels to Orlando for a face to face (f2f). Instead
of flying
directly back to SFO, she
makes a side trip to Miami, then flies home from Miami. At the time she books
her flight
from SFO to Orlando to Miami to SFO, she also
obtains a quote for a round trip flight from SFO to Orlando and
back. That round trip flight
is less expensive than her actual flight, so she claims that amount for her
airfare on the
Expense Reimbursement
Request (ERR). She includes with her ERR the actual airfare receipt as well as
the quote
for the round trip flight
from home to f2f location. If her actual flight had been less expensive than
the round trip
estimate, she would claim
the actual cost. In either situation, she is only entitled to reimbursement for
the less
expensive flight.
Private Automobile: CoDA
business use of a privately owned automobile is reimbursed at the CSC approved
per mile (see Appendix A).
The mileage reimbursement rate covers all automobile related expenses including
Reimbursement for the total
cost to drive to and from a meeting may not exceed the cost of an economy
airfare plus
related ground travel
related to flying that is normally covered by this policy. It is the trusted servant’s
responsibility to submit a
quote for air travel for the meeting to determine the airfare. Per Diem is reimbursable only
for the amount of time it would have taken to
Shuttle Bus, Courtesy Cars,
Taxis and Parking: Use shuttle bus and courtesy cars to and from airports and
Where taxis are necessary,
members are encouraged to share taxis whenever possible. If a private automobile is used
for travel to and from the airport, round trip
mileage can be reimbursed at the current mileage rate. If a trusted
servant uses his/her car to
transport other trusted servants to dinner, transportation centers, etc. as
part of CoDA
service, his/her mileage can
be reimbursed at the current mileage rate.
Intent To adjust the Expense
Reimbursement Policy (ERP) so that it does not penalize someone who drives
instead of
flying especially if the
cost to get to and from the airport is substantial. Parking at/near the airport could be
Also when a private car is
used for transporting trusted servants to & from airports, meals away from
the hotel site in
conjunction with a F2F, etc.
a trusted servant’s submission for reimbursement for miles driven is covered by
not by exception.
Also to put the
responsibility onto the trusted servant to document airfare for theoretical
travel if their itinerary is
Remarks When we passed the ERP last
year, we knew that it was not perfect.
We found out that we needed to make an
adjustment in this area to
be consistent with the desire to reimburse our volunteers at a rate that is
fair to both the
volunteer and CoDA.
We have had an ERR turned in
that needed to have clarification in each of these areas. In one case a trusted
lived between airports and found it easier to
drive than fly. His total mileage was
capped by the policy. If he had
flown the amount reimbursed would have been
more that the airfare alone which capped the volunteer’s
reimbursement. Another trusted servant met airplanes and
provided local transportation for a small F2F.
received rides to the
airport instead of leaving a car at the airport. These changes will make approval of ERRs
easier and fairer for all
Pro: 31
con: 0
Abstain: 2
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 14
MOTION 13025 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject motion 4
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Policy section 5. Travel
Advance be amended to read:
Members may apply for an
advance of up to 100% of your estimated out-of-pocket expenses for by using the
Advanced Request form. The minimum amount of an advance is
The Advance claim can be
madeno more than 90 days before departure for international travel and 60 45
days prior
to the departure for US
travel.(amended to remove 30 days maximum on payment)
However, if there is a
significant price advantage by purchasing further in advance for travel outside
the US, the
member seeking reimbursement
may submit details to the Treasurer and Finance Chair for an exception.
Advances must be refunded to
CoDA immediately when a trip is cancelled or postponed. No advances will be
if a member has an
outstanding advance.
Intent to enable those traveling
for CoDA service work to be reimbursed quickly and fairly without placing a
burden on the volunteer.
Remarks For some trusted servants,
not having a 100% advance is a financial burden. By adjusting our advance policy
they will continue to be
able to serve.
International travel usually
benefits from a greater advance planning and reservations. If advance planning
encouraged, the expense to
CoDA should be less.
Pro: 29
Con: 0
MOTION 13026 7/10/2013 Vote MAJORITY Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject per diem motion 5.1
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Policy section 3.c. Per Diem Allowance be amended to read:
3.c. Per Diem Allowance
CoDA members on business are
given a per diem allowance for meals and incidentals. This allowance is approved
at CSC (see Appendix A.) Per
diem will be paid in full on all days except the travel days, which will be
paid at
75% unless travel began before
7:30am in trusted servant's time zone on day of departure or completed after
6pm in
trusted servant's time zone
on day of return in which case the full amount will be paid.
In the event that a trusted
servant attends a face to face/CSC and does not have to travel, he/she is
allowed a per
diem at the standard rate.
Intent To clarify the application
of our Per Diem allowance and not to penalize the trusted servant who lives in
the locality
of a F2F and when their car
is used to transport out of town trusted servants to dinner, etc. away from the
F2F site.
Remarks When we passed the ERP last
year, we knew that it was not perfect.
We found out that we needed to make an
adjustment in this area to
be consistent with the desire to reimburse our volunteers at a rate that is
fair to both the
volunteer and CoDA.
Pro: 18
Con: 10
MOTION 13027 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject Motion 8
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Policy, section 8. Policy Exceptions: be amended to read:
8. Policy Exceptions
A policy cannot foresee
every possibility and/or expense. A CoDA member who wants to file for an
exception needs
to submit relevant
documentation first to the Finance Committee.
If the Finance Committee approves the exception
it will be forwarded to the
CoDA Board for approval. And obtain A written approval decision from the CoDA
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 15
and/or Finance committee will be issued. The
decision can be appealed to the CoDA Board.
Intent To allow the Finance
Committee to do committee work and the Board to approve work done in
Remarks This change will help
establish a chain of communications for the processing of exceptions to the
Pro: 26
Con: 0
Abstain: 2
MOTION 13028 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject motion 7
Item: That the Expense
Reimbursement Procedure be amended to read: (Bold Italic added)
Submit all Expense Reports
as described below:
• Email submission is preferred. (Scan documents and
insert in email.) Any other form of submission may result in
• Submit ERRs to the bookkeeper with a CC to the
treasurer ( and both “Approvers” (see chart
Intent To adjust the Expense
Reimbursement Procedure so ERRs are copied to the treasurer so that the
treasurer knows that
an ERR is in process.
Remarks By submitting a copy of the
ERR to the treasurer, the treasurer can monitor the progress of ERRs that are
processing, approval, and
issuance of a check. The Procedure was
approved at 2012 CSC (MOTION 12031
Pro: 31
Con: 0
Abstain: 3
FYI 13029 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
CO-NNections Name Chuck
Subject Report
Item: Read report and goals.
FYI 13030 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Translation Name Gerry et al
Subject report
Item: Presented report
MOTION 13031 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Translation
Name Gerry
Subject Motion #1
Item: To make the following
changes to the Fellowship Service Manual
Section 07 Board Overseen Service Functions
and CoDA Standing
Committees, and Other CoDA Bodies – Page 38 Translation and Management
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 16
To replace:
The Translation Management
Committee (TMC) designs and manages the process by which
Conference Endorsed
literature is translated.
•The TMC
communicates with CoDA entities who want to carry the message by translating
•The TMC also manages
the contracts between CoDA and other entities that translate and
distribute literature in
languages other than English.
•The TMC welcomes
new members, and especially needs experience with email, contracts and
copyright issues.
TMC Descriptions
The Translation Management
Committee’s mission is to carry the message to codependents worldwide whatever
their language.
The Translation Management
Committee assists individuals, groups, and Voting Entities around the world to
and/or create CoDA-Approved
literature and materials translated into their own language(s).
● The Translation Management Committee
designs and manages the process by which CoDA Conference
Endorsed Literature is
● The Translation Management
Committee communicates with CoDA
entities who want to carry the message
worldwide using CoDA
Conference Endorsed Literature
● The Translation Management Committee
assists and coordinates the translation of CoDA Conference
Endorsed Literature.
The committee basically has
two areas that it is working in:
(1) The United States: Translate documents into other languages for
use within the United States. CoRe (CoDA
publisher) will publish and
distribute these materials within the United States.
(2) Outside the United States: Assist groups to translate material into
their language. These groups will later
publish and distribute these
materials themselves. This task is accomplished by volunteer groups
representing their
If you are interested in
assisting in this work in any way, please contact the Translation Management
Committee via
email at
Intent To update the TMC
description to more clearly represent what the main TMC functions are.
Remarks Pro: 23
Con: 0
Abstained: 3
MOTION 13032 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Outreach Name Annie S
Subject report
Item: Gave presentation
FYI 13033 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Outreach Name John
Subject report
Item: Gave presentation
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 17
MOTION 13034 7/10/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Proactive
Outreach Name John
Subject MOTION #1
Item: To move that the functions
of the Outreach email rotation group be a sub-committee of Communications and
Section 7 in the Fellowship Services Manual (FSM) description of Outreach Committee be placed under section
titled Communications
Committee and renamed CoDA Email Team (CET). Thereby making it a subcommittee
under Communications with
changes made as written below:
The CoDA Email Team (CET) is
a group of actively recovering codependents that serve as the ‘customer
branch of CoDA. We are fulfilling step 12 through
email rotation service work.
Our service work involves
educating people about the CoDA Fellowship and connecting codependents with
meetings worldwide. We
provide information about face-to-face (f2f) and online CoDA meetings. We
answer both
general and specific
questions about CoDA, and share our experience, strength, and hope (ESH). When
we refer others to specific
CoDA Committees.
CET assists in updating domestic, regional, and
international contact information and meeting lists by forwarding
information to the
Fellowship Service Office. Where we can, we connect different people in the
same region who
want to start meetings. One
of our goals is to be proactive in reaching out to and connecting other
Most of CET's service work
takes place online through email; therefore, CET members ought to have an affinity
and ability to communicate
effectively over email. People interested in serving on the team should have at
least one
year of active CoDA
Intent The current function of this valuable service
better fits under Communications as it is similar to the C-phone group
that is already under
Remarks FSM currently reads:
Outreach Committee
The CoDA Outreach Committee
(Outreach) is a group of actively recovering codependents that serve as the
‘customer service’ branch of
CoDA. Through Outreach service work, we are fulfilling Step 12.
Our service work involves
educating people about the CoDA Fellowship and connecting codependents with
meetings worldwide. We
provide information about face-to-face (f2f) and online CoDA meetings. We
answer both
general and specific
questions about CoDA, and share our experience, strength, and hope (ESH). When
appropriate, we refer others
to specific CoDA Committees. Outreach assists in updating domestic, regional,
international contact information
and meeting lists by forwarding information to the Fellowship Service Office.
Where we can, we connect
people in the same region
who want to start meetings. One of our goals is to be proactive in reaching out
to and
connecting other
codependents. In 2004, we developed a Spanish Outreach subcommittee to assist
speaking codependents
Most of Outreach's service
work takes place online through email; therefore, Outreach members ought to
have an
affinity and ability to
communicate effectively over email. People interested in serving on the CoDA
committee should have at
least one year of active CoDA recovery.
The new FSM will read:
The CoDA Email Team (CET) is
a group of actively recovering codependents that serve as the ‘customer
branch of CoDA. We are fulfilling step 12 through
email rotation service work.
Our service work involves
educating people about the CoDA Fellowship and connecting codependents with
meetings worldwide. We
provide information about face-to-face (f2f) and online CoDA meetings. We
answer both
general and specific
questions about CoDA, and share our experience, strength, and hope (ESH). When
appropriate, we refer others
to specific CoDA Committees.
CET assists in updating domestic, regional, and
international contact information and meeting lists by
forwarding information to
the Fellowship Service Office. Where we can, we connect different people in the
region who want to start
meetings. One of our goals is to be proactive in reaching out to and connecting
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 18
Most of CET's service work
takes place online through email; therefore, CET members ought to have an affinity
and ability to communicate
effectively over email. People interested in serving on the team should have at
one year of active CoDA recovery.
Made the following change on
To move the current
functions of the Outreach Committee to be a sub-committee of
Communications. To move
that the functions of the
Outreach email rotation group be a sub-committee of Communications. The current
function of this valuable
service better fits under Communications as it is similar to the C-phone group
that is
already under
Pro: 32
Con: 0
MOTION 13035 7/10/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Proactive
Outreach Name John
Subject motion 2 repurpose Outreach
Item: Motion: To repurpose the current Outreach Committee
with a new committee description to be developed by the
committee for approval by
Conference 2014. Committee work based on the Proactive Outreach Task Force
suggestions will coontinue
throughout the year.
Intent The intent of the motion is
that the CoDA Fellowship have a standing committee whose focus is on carrying
message to codependents who
still suffer in CoDA and outside of CoDA.
The purpose will be to address, but not
limited to, all
Outreach/Inreach tasks as identified in the Proactive Outreach Task Force
(POTF) report to 2013 CSC.
It will also give a home for the POTF project
groups to continue their work. This
committee will be available to
work in conjunction with and
to offer support to other committees that already perform outreach/inreach type
Remarks Potential outreach
tasks/activities may include but are not limited to:
1. - Ongoing support and
communication mechanism for existing CoDA groups
2. - Facilitating outreach
by CoDA groups, Intergroups/Voting Entity (VE)
3. - Public Service
announcements/ presence on Facebook/ You Tube, etc.
4. - Presenting CoDA as a
response to violent events on news, etc.
5. - Developing a list of
CoDA workshop leaders and speakers
6. - CoDA presence at events
recovery and non-recovery (i.e. health fairs and professional meetings)
7. - Written materials
directed to specific groups and individuals
8. - Making better use of
available resources (databases, ideas, etc.)
9. - Encourage and support
service workers
10. Develop and maintain a
clearinghouse of possible ways to carry the message.
Pro: 31
Con: 0
MOTION 13036 7/10/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Proactive
Outreach Name John
Subject Motion #3
Item: To change the Fellowship
Services Manual (FSM) Section 5 Voting Entity Service, pg 22 to read as
Voting Entity Delegates
The Voting Entity Delegate
is a service volunteer who is selected/ elected at the Voting Entity or by other
determined by the group
conscience of the Voting Entity members. The Voting Entity Delegate is that
Entity's representative to
the CoDA Service Conference.
The primary function of the
Voting Entity Delegate is to facilitate communication between the Voting Entity
CoDA. This includes attending CoDA's Service
Conference to vote, on behalf of the Voting Entity, on Conference
motions affecting CoDA as a
whole. Also, a Delegate is invited
to join committee(s) or other services
at the world
level, thus performing
service in accordance with Tradition Seven. This valuable participation builds
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 19
relationships at the World
level, therefore fostering the communication within the whole Fellowship.
Ideally, a Voting Entity
Delegate has worked the Twelve Steps with a CoDA sponsor or “Step study” group
has a practical and
spiritual knowledge of the Twelve Traditions. The job is rewarding, gratifying,
and spiritually
uplifting, providing
exposure to the enormous experience of the group conscience at the CoDA level.
Intent To provide World Service
committees and other entities with a source of information about Voting Entity
Remarks At the CoDA World Service
Conference the fellowship informs the CSC of their needs and the needs are
with the fellowship through
the exchange of ideas. Service on
committees fosters and encourages multiple ways of
information to be exchanged between delegates,
VE, and committees. Any delegate who
joins world service
impacts the fellowship as a
whole by their participation in multiple levels of the inverted pyramid.
Pro: 29
Con: 0
Abstained: 3
FYI 13037 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Webmater Name Leo C.
Subject Report
Item: Spam is down
Activity is manageable (except leading up to conference)
Website manageability is
A Request for Proposal per
redesign of website is very good
FYI 13038 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Outreach Name
Subject Report
Item: Gave presentation
MOTION 13039 7/10/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Spanish
Outreach Name Mercedes
Subject Motion to change description
of committee
Item: Spanish Outreach Committee
(SpO) would like to add its name and this description to the list of CoDA
Committees in the Fellowship
Service Manual:
Spanish Outreach (SpO) was first established as a subcommittee
of Outreach in 2003, and it became a Standing
CoDA Committee at the 2011
Spanish Outreach receives
emails from many parts of the World. We provide assistance to start, and
register new
meetings, answer questions
regarding availability of Spanish literature, and how it can be obtained,
translate for
other CoDA Committees, the
Webmaster, and the Fellowship Service Worker (FSW). Some of the Spanish
Outreach members are
volunteers to answer the Spanish phone line, and others are in charge of
moderating the
Spanish announcement list.
Intent Our purpose is to let
readers know CoDA has a Spanish Outreach Committee.
Remarks (We petition this
description be added in the FSM)
Background and general
Spanish Outreach was first
established as a subcommittee of Outreach in 2003, and it became a Standing
Committee at the 2011
CSC. A brief description follows:
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 20
Spanish Outreach receives
emails from many parts of the World. We provide assistance to start, and
register new
meetings, answer questions
regarding availability of Spanish literature, and how it can be obtained,
translate for
other CoDA Committees, the
Webmaster, and the FSW. Some of the
Spanish Outreach members are volunteers
to answer the Spanish phone
line, and others are in charge of moderating the Spanish announcement list.
Pro: 31
Con: 0
FYI 13040 7/10/2013 Vote Committee
Service Name Lisa B
Subject report
Item: Gave report
MOTION 13041 7/10/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee floor Name Dave s
Subject adjourn
Item: 2nd Annie S
ACTION 13042 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
facilitator Name Michelle
Subject Quorum count
Item: Count = 30, quorum is 16
MOTION 13043 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee facilitator Name Michelle
Subject motion to accept minutes as
Item: move= Florence
2nd Barbara
Remarks pro: 31
con: 0
abstain: 1
FYI 13044 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Literature Name Leslie
Subject report
Item: Gave report
ACTION 13045 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Mediation Name Natasha
Subject committee elections
Item: Kevin M. WA
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 21
MOTION 13046 7/11/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Issues
Mediation Name Leslie
Subject to accept all IMC election
nominees by acclamation
Item: Moved by Leslie
2nd Dave S
Remarks pro: 28
con: 0
abstain: 0
ACTION 13047 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Name Michelle
Subject quorum count
Item: Quorum achieved
FYI 13048 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Hoc Name Deborah & Judi
Subject Report
MOTION 13049 7/11/2013 Vote TABLED Committee Ad
Hoc Name Deborah
Subject Motion #1
Item: The Ad Hoc Committee moves
that CSC support the continuation
of the Ad Hoc Committee for
two years. (Replaces earlier Motions 1,
2 & 3)
Intent The Ad Hoc Committee
recommends that the CoDA Fellowship work with the
Bridge Builder structure for a period of two
Ad Hoc believes that a two
year effort will give the Bridge Builder groups time
to move from conception to
The goals of the Ad Hoc
Committee are:
Support and enhance the work
of CoDA committees and boards
Achieve better communication and
support, and a flatter organizational structure
Remarks Committees would continue
their work as they do now.
Bridge Building groups use
the experience, strength and hope of members.
The Ad Hoc Committee invites
committee members and boards to form and join Bridge Builder Work Group
Each Work Group “bubble”
would connect those with common interests.
(ex.: Literature,
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 22
and a CoRe representative;
all branches of Outreach)
An Ad Hoc committee member
would be available to each Bridge Building group, to share our vision and help
support the experience.
During the next two years,
Ad Hoc Committee will gather as much data and feedback, in order to evaluate
or not Bridge Building efforts increase
communication and enhance cooperation.
Pro :
Tabled to be reconsidered
and brought back tomorrow in New Business
MOTION 13050 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Service
Structure Name Judi
Subject Report & Motion #1
Item: Motion:
To replace the current
Service Structure Committee(SSC) description in the Fellowship Service Manual ,
section 7,
so it reads as follows:
Service Structure Committee
The Service Structure
Committee’s function is to serve the will of the Fellowship regarding
documents, as expressed
through the CoDA Service Conference, in keeping with the Twelve Steps and
• Serve in an advisory capacity to the CoDA Service
Conference, Board of Trustees, and the Fellowship through the
group conscience decision
making process.
• Determine the implications of motions to modify, alter,
or amend the CoDA Bylaws, Conference Protocols, CoDA
Fellowship Service Manual
(FSM), Twelve Steps, and Twelve Traditions, Twelve Service Concepts, or other
foundational documents.
• To support and maintain CoDA fundamental structural
documents, including the Fellowship Service Manual,
Twelve Concepts, and other
documents, as directed by the CoDA Service Conference.
• Maintain the official copy of the CoDA Fellowship
Service Manual and related documents, current and historical.
Turn over records to CoDA
for archives. Date all versions.
• Produce revised documents in a timely fashion, after
changes are approved by the Conference.
• Provide the link
to the website where the up-to-date Fellowship
Service Manual is located. Send
URL to all
Delegates, Chairs, board
members and other voting members before the CoDA Service Conference.
• Communicate regularly with Board members, Committee
chairs, Voting Entity Delegates, if email addresses are
known, and other CoDA
members or groups, offering relevant information and insight if needed.
Service Structure Committee Members: Role and Duties
• Attend committee meetings and participate in
teleconferences. Write, edit, and recommend resolutions and ideas.
Participate in the group
conscience process.
• Consider any proposed changes to CoDA's service
structure and procedures, considering compliance with the
Twelve Steps and Twelve
• Refer to the Steps and Traditions when formulating
opinions; cite as needed for clarity.
• Keep confidential all matters as required; provide full
disclosure for all other matters.
Service Duties Structure
Chair: Role and Duties
Define focus and goals of committee work, according to
directions of the CSC. Disseminate work and develop
time schedules to accomplish
it. Distribute agenda and schedule work-in-progress priorities.
Maintain consistent, timely communications with committee
members, the CoDA Board, CoDA Board and
liaison, and Committee
chairs when needed. Provide reports to the Fellowship in “The CoDA Quarterly
Report.Manage budgets, sign
and keep recorded reports and minutes of committee, keep spending forms,
and expenses for the
committee until they are reimbursed, and
remind members to maintain their expense records/
receiptsfor telephone,
travel, faxes, and mailings.
Service Conference Items Page 23
Submit SSC's budget by the deadline established by the
CSC; keep a record of GC decisions,
Disclose committee goals to committee
members, as well
as any legal or spiritual problems or conflicts.
Request a group conscience poll for
solutions with all
committee members.
• If problems arise, bring them to the committee for a
group conscience discussion. Include Board liaison if
• Follow the Steps and Traditions in all dealings, and
aid the committee in following these principles in their
communications and work.
Intent To update the SSC’s
description in the Service Manual
Remarks This revision removes
references to SSC oversight for the
Articles of Incorporation. This is a legality for which
we have no responsibility.
Also, Articles of Incorporation are almost never revised.
Pro: 27
Con: 0
MOTION 13051 7/11/2013 Vote DEFEATED Committee Service
Structure Name Judi
Subject motion #2
Item: SSC moves that CSC approve a
new service item called the
Short Form of the Twelve
Service Concepts of Co-Dependents Anonymous
1. The members of the Fellowship of Co-Dependents Anonymous,
in carrying out the will of a loving Higher
Power, advance their
individual recoveries, work to insure the continuance of their groups and their
program, and
carry the message to
codependents who still suffer.
2. The Fellowship of CoDA has the responsibility of
determining, through its group conscience, the service work
to be performed, and the
best manner to perform such work. CoDA groups conscientiously provide adequate
and support for the service
work they authorize.
3. Decisions about service work in the Fellowship and all
CoDA affairs are made through the group conscience
decision making process.
4. All those who volunteer to do service work for CoDA, by
serving on committees, boards, or corporations, are
trusted servants, not
authority figures. Trusted servants may
hire individuals outside of the Fellowship for
commercial services as
allowed in our By Laws.
5. Trusted servants are directly responsible to those they
serve, are bound to honor the group conscience decision
making process, and uphold
those decisions concerning service work. When the group conscience violates an
individuals’ own truth, they
may relinquish the service position.
6. The Fellowship guarantees trusted servants the right and
authority to make decisions commensurate with their
responsibilities, and to
participate in group conscience decisions affecting their responsibilities.
7. Trusted servants practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve
Traditions in their service work and in all of their affairs.
8. The CoDA Service Conference, through its group conscience
decision making process, guides the Fellowship in
making policy decisions. Although the
Conference holds no authority over decisions of individuals or groups,
sanctions may be imposed
over those who consistently violate the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions.
9. By tradition, the CoDA Service Conference gives
responsibilities to working committees composed of
Conference Delegates and
other CoDA volunteers , or to separate service boards or corporations. All are
responsible to the
10. When the CoDA Service Conference is in session, the CoDA
Board of Trustees is directly responsible to the
Conference. When not in
session, the Conference assigns its decision-making authority on material
matters to the
The powers of the CoDA Service Conference derive from the preeminent authority of the group conscience
decision making process.
Arizona State law gives the Board of
Trustees legal rights and responsibilities to act for
the Fellowship in certain situations.
12. The Fellowship and its members strive to
practice and encourage spiritual principles in all its material, financial, and
business affairs, including fairness,
equality, and respect for individual rights. Every member within
CoDA has a voice; every member has the right to know what is happening within our Fellowship.
Service Conference Items Page 24
Intent To make the Service Concepts
more accessible and easily understood, especially to our members who are new to
service work.
Remarks The Ad Hoc group developed a
version of the short concepts in 2012. It was “tabled” to the board and the
Structure Committee.
This motion is the Service
Structure Committee’s group conscience, including some suggestions from the
Pro: 14
Con: 13
Abstain: 4
MOTION 13052 7/11/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Hospitals
& Name Kathy
Subject report & motion #1
To use funds received as 7th
tradition donations to the Books for Inmates and Institutions Program for the
of the 12 Steps and 12
Traditions Workbook in addition to to
Co-Dependents Anonymous book inEnglish and
Spanish. (matched dollar for
dollar from the H&I Committee’s budget.)
Intent To make CoDA literature
available to codependents in hospitals and institutions.
Remarks At this time the 12 Steps
and 12 Traditions Workbook is the only CoDA book available in Spanish. The
Committee has recently
received requests for Spanish literature from inmates and residents of recovery
Currently the funds donated
to the Books for Inmates and Institutions Program can only be used to buy Co-
Dependents Anonymous books.
Pro: 32
con: 0
abstain: 0
ACTION 13053 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Facilitator Name
Subject Quorum count
Item: Quorum achieved
FYI 13054 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
International Name
Subject reports
Got reports via Skype from:
- Dubai
- Mexico
- Israel
- Australia
Other reports from Las
Vegas, Germany, Canada, WA, PA
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 25
MOTION 13055 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Events Name Scott
Subject CoRe Board Elections
Item: Candidates for the three
open positions are:
Dephny Z, TX
David L, TX
Della B, TX
Remarks All candidates were elected
MOTION 13056 7/11/2013 Vote Committee
Events Name Scott
Subject CoDA Board elections
Item: Christine H, AZ - trustee
Lorraine O, WA, - alt
Natasha K, AZ - alt
Charles Z, CO - alt
Remarks All candidates were elected
MOTION 13057 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Communications Name Geff & Linda
Subject Report and Motion #1
Item: Gave report
To add the following
bullet point to the Communications
Committee Description in the FSM, Section 7,
as follows:
• Has specific responsibilities regarding the “General
Announcements” email list.
O Monitors that the CoDA email lists are being effectively
O Keeping in line with our CoDA Twelve Steps, Traditions
and Concepts, creates new or recycles already written
material for
O Carries ¬¬out a group conscience (GC) on all
Communications Committee created content.
If the created content
contains information that is
related to the business of other CoDA entities i.e. the CoDA/CoRE Board, or
committees, then further
approval from respective Board, committee or group will be obtained before
O GC any requests from other committees that the Email list
Coordinator feels may be potentially inaccurate,
controversial or not in line
with our Traditions, while allowing the Email Coordinator the continued ability
to make
routine decisions and send routine mailings
(local events, etc.) in accordance with his/her CSC and/or Board
approved job description.
Intent To clarify that monitoring
the “General Announcements” email list is part of the Communications Committee
Remarks The current FSM description
does not address the role of the Communications Committee in monitoring the
Email List. They have been performing this role since the
creation of the General Announcements list.
Pro: 32
Con: 0
Abstain: 2
MOTION 13058 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject Budget approval
Item: Total Budget = $168,486.75
motion:to approve increase
in 2013 budget. (increase of $39,000)
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Conference Items Page 26
Remarks Pro: 29
Con: 0
MOTION 13059 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Finance Name Lou
Subject Approve 2014 budget
Item: Budget for 2014 =
Remarks Pro: 30
Con: 0
Abstain: 2
MOTION 13060 7/11/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee facilitator Name Michelle
Subject adjourn
Item: Lisa moves
Jane second
ACTION 13061 7/12/2013 Vote Committee
Facilitator Name Michelle
Subject Quorum count.
Item: Count = 30, quorum is 16
MOTION 13062 7/12/2013 Vote Committee
Item: Loirraine moved to add 5
minutes fromn new business to old
Addie seconded
Remarks Pro: 24
Con: 0
Abstained: 1
MOTION 13063 7/12/2013 Vote Committee
Floor Name John R
Subject Motion
Item: moved to approve minutes of
Lorretta seconded
Remarks unanimous by acclamation
MOTION 13064 7/12/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Board Name Lisa
Subject motion to change seal usage
Item: To make the following
changes to the Fellowship Service manual,
Section 13, Use of CoDA Seals and Symbols
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 27
Change #1
To replace:
This is the CoDA Seal; it is
trademarked and may not be altered.
Registered “Voting Entities” may use it, or
customize it by adding their
name/country to the outside perimeter of the seal. Content inside the circle may not be
altered. Permission to use this seal must be granted
by CoDA.
This is the CoDA Seal; it is
a registered trademark. Permission for
registered Voting Entities and Intergroups to
use, and/or customize by
adding their name to the outside perimeter of the seal must be granted by
CoDA. Upon
obtaining a Translation
Agreement with CoDA, Inc., registered Voting Entities and/or Intergroups may
translate the
words inside the circle. No other changes are
permitted. Please contact
Change #2
To replace the Trademark
symbol with the Registered symbol next to our corporate seal.
Change #3
To remove the Literature
seal and its associated wording since it is not being used.
Change #4
To add the Trademark symbol
next to the two Co-NNections seals.
Note: A complete version of
this page with changes is in Board Motion 3 Attachment.
Intent To make it clear that our
corporate seal is not just Trademarked but also Registered.
To eliminate the Literature
seal since it is not being used.
To correct confusing wording
and make very clear under what conditions our corporate seal may be used by
To add the Trademark symbol
to the two Co-NNections seals since they are used as our Trademarks although
are not Registered.
Remarks Pro: 28
Con: 0
MOTION 13065 7/12/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee AdHoc Name Deborah and Judi
Subject Motion #1 (Revised)
Item: The Ad-Hoc Committee moves
to dissolve the Ad-Hoc Committee and create the International Development Task
Force for 1 year, made up of
interested former Ad-Hoc members and open to new members. The purpose of this
force is to facilitate the
support and growth of CoDA world-wide, and to report back to the 2014 CoDA
Conference (CSC).We will
move to become a standing committee at that time.This task force will request a
of $6,000 to explore technological tools to
increase collaboration between these Voting Entities, and all of CoDA
World Service, and to send a
chair and one other international delegate to the 2014 CSC.
CoDA Service
Conference Items Page 28
Remarks The international work group
would connect those with common interests and determine their goals by group
Committees, service entities, and CoDA members
who are interested in international
structure, service &
translation issues could join
the workgroup.
Some service work might
Identify international needs
MOTION 13066 7/12/2013 Vote WITHDRAW Committee CoRe Name Loretta
Subject Motion #1
MOTION 13067 7/12/2013 Vote WITHDRAW Committee Germany Name
FYI 13068 7/12/2013 Vote Committee
Events Name Nancy
Subject Report
MOTION 13069 7/13/2013 Vote 2/3 VOTE Committee Facilitator Name Michelle
Subject approve motions
Item: To approve motions as amened
for the entire conference.
Remarks pro: 28
con: 0
Abstain: 1
MOTION 13070 7/12/2011 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee Facilitator Name
Subject Motion to adjourn
Item: Motion made by Deborah R
Seconded by Lisa B
CoDA Service
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MOTION 1370 7/13/2013 Vote UNANIMOUS Committee floor Name
Subject Adjourn