Co-NNections Recovery Stories

The_Twelve_Steps_of_Insanity 98



  1. We admitted we were powerless
    over nothing – that we could manage our lives
    perfectly and those of anyone who would allow us.
  2. Came to believe that there
    was no power greater than ourselves and the rest of the
    world was insane.
  3. Made a decision to have our
    loved ones turn their wills and their lives over to our
    care even though they couldn’t understand us at all.
  4. Made a searching and fearless
    moral inventory of everyone we knew.
  5. Admitted to the whole world
    the exact nature of everyone else’s wrongs.
  6. We’re entirely ready to
    make others give us the respect we thought we deserved.
  7. Demanded others do our will
    because we were always enlightened.
  8. Made a list of all persons
    who had harmed us and became willing to go to any lengths
    to get even with them all.
  9. Got direct revenge on such
    people wherever possible except when to do so would cost
    us our lives or at the very least a jail sentence.
  10. Continued to take inventory
    of others and when they were wrong promptly told them
    about it.
  11. Sought through complaining
    and medication to improve our relations with others as we
    could not understand them at all, asking only that they
    do things our way.
  12. Having had a complete
    physical, emotional and spiritual breakdown as a result
    of these steps, we tried to blame it on others and to get
    sympathy and pity in all our affairs.

Author unknown

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