Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Freedom – July 18, 2023

Hi, my name is Bri. I’m definitely a codependent. I found this group a couple of weeks ago via the internet. I have been sober from alcohol for about 5 and a half years.

I used to get so hung up over my ex-boyfriends. It took me a year to get over one. Two years to get over my son’s father whom I was with, off and on, for a few years. He was abusive. Once that happened, I ended it, and never looked back. I lived in agony for those two years.

One day I woke up and felt freedom. Maybe it was the new mood stabilizer I was on, maybe it was because I found a job that gave me confidence. All I know is that I never cared again. I have him blocked on social media and have had it that way ever since. He chooses not to see our son.

I have been single now for almost 4 years. While it gets lonely, it’s not the worst thing in the world. I’m learning to depend only on myself emotionally. I have struggled with depending on my mother emotionally for so long. When we fight, I can’t function. This is where I really strive to improve. I myself have unhealthy patterns I need to work on and will take it one day at a time.

Bri 5/17/2023

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