Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Relying on God

I came to CoDA at a time when I needed it most. I felt God had been preparing me to take this step so that I could heal. I have attended three meetings but have been listening to the CoDA steps on the internet daily and have been journaling regularly (I have done that all my life).

While I was reading the steps the first time, I realized that a Higher Power was mentioned on each step. It became easy for me to start practicing my religion more at a deeper level and not just out of habit or as a ritual.

I started reciting Prayers daily and writing down the verses relating to my weakness. When I am not reciting the Prayers, I keep repeating those verses. I have been praying daily more enthusiastically and with love for God. I feel these days I have a smile on my face more than worry. 

I was on the verge of falling apart last month, but then I started CoDA. The people at the meeting are so welcoming and warm that I began feeling as though I belonged right away, but I didn’t want to depend on any one person. I wanted to be part of the whole group so that I could do my own healing without emotional dependence on any one person. I wanted to rely on God only. This was my big weakness that always got me in trouble when I made one person my ‘everything’. This is the habit I am going to break.


Sincerely M. 

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