CoDA Service Conference Items                         Page  1

  FYI          11000            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee                                  Name


  Item:   Motion numbers and other items so indicated by blue color hyperlink to the actual paper document presented at




ACTION     11001            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Events                      Name  Michelle

  Subject   New Delegate Orientation

  Item:   First order of business was a new Delegate orientation. (not an official part of CSC.)


            Announcement:  Chair of Committees will meet tonight to eat and then a chairs  forum afterwards.




  ACTION   11002            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Opening of CSC

  Item:   Reading of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Service Concepts.  Serenity Prayer.  Welcome and introductions. 

            Announcements.  Review of conference process,  30 seconds was called.




  ACTION   11003            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks 39 present

               2/3's (26 voting members)  required to do business


  ACTION   11004            7/5/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Approval of agenda

  Item:   Board moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Julie B.


  Remarks Aye vote

               Nay one


  MOTION   11005            7/5/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Delegate                   Name  Dave S., Yumi

  Subject   To give chairs voice                                                                                                   seconded

  Item:   Motion:   To give voice to chairs of the committees.

  Intent Chairs experience, strength, and hope can add to our understanding.

  Remarks Vote by raising of hangs:

               ayes 34

               opposed 6

               no abstentions

  ACTION   11006            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Break





  ACTION   11007            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum Count



  Remarks quorum present


  MOTION   11008            7/5/2011  Vote MAJORITY       Committee   Delegate                   Name  Verlynn, Lou

  Subject   to give voice to 2 members from CDRS                                                                         seconded

  Item:   Motion:  To give voice to two members from CDRS.

            Motion changed to:  To give voice and vote to two members from CDRS for the 2011 CSC.


             (CRDS is the English language publishing arm of CoDA in Canada; DAA is the French language publishing arm

            of CoDA in Canada.)


            Amendment to original motion:  To give voice and vote to two members from CDRS.

            Voting on amendement:  ayes 22,  nays 17,  2 abstentions

             As a result of this amendment the motion was changed as noted above.


  Remarks Vote on voice and vote motion

               ayes:  20

               nays:  15

               abstentions:  5


  ACTION   11009            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Board                       Name  Judi Ann C.

  Subject   Board report    Goals   Word Report    Presentation

  Item:   Trustees:Judi Ann C., France W., Julie B., Geraldine, Jutta E., Dianne, Salle H.,

            Alternate Trustees:  Delia, Mercedes M., Dagmar M.


            Explained many legalities that the Board must abide by.  Talked about some differences between the Corportion and

             the Fellowship. 


            Most of our income is from our copyrights and trademarks.  Report mentioned many problems with our copyrights

            and trademarks, many of which have been rectified while others are still in process.


            Explained board responsibilities, priorities, goals.

            The new version of our website ( is in beta testing at this time.




  MOTION   11010            7/5/2011  Vote DEFEATED       Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   motion to extend time of Board report

  Item:   Motion to extend time of Board report by 10 minutes.


  Remarks Nays have it


  ACTION   11011            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Quarterly Service        Name  Salle H.


  Subject   Report

  Item:   QSR is a recap of the work of Board and Committees through each quarter  to keep the Fellowship informed.


            The QSR is available by subscribing to the e-mail list on the website. It is also distributed by regular mail. Go to

   and sign-up for the quarterly e- mailing.


            Report  of the web designer, Dave F., who is working on the new version of our website, was read by Salle H.


            New design will give us more manageability and functionality.  The beta version is at: 





  ACTION   11012            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary


  Item:   Dismissed ahead of schedule for lunch.




  ACTION   11013            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum met


  ACTION   11014            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Board Treasurer         Name  France W.

  Subject   Treasurer's report

  Item:   Finance Committee was thanked along with Board members and others.

            Problems with the recording of our financial history were identified.

            Presentation of IRS regulations and mention of ways we are out of compliance.

            Royalty income is crucial.

            Our insurance bonds are now position oriented, so that the bonds will be valid as individual members of the board

            and special workers change from year-to-year.

            The 5 bank accounts were reduced to 2 and so unnecessary expenses are being saved.

            Talked about Books for Inmates program; Travel Policy and options; and Treasurer's responsibilities.

            Talked about many matters relating to our tax-exempt status.




  MOTION   11015            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Board                       Name  Judi  Ann

  Subject   extending time of Treasurer's report

  Item:   Motion:  To extend the Treasurer's Report by 12 minutes.


  Remarks voice vote: 



               too close so voting by counting

               yes  30

               no      7


  ACTION   11016            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Board, legal               Name  Judi Ann

  Subject   Legal report

  Item:   report on Voting Entity Issues (VEIs):


            Missouri 11-01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09  assigned to Board  Note from Board Note1  Note2

            Texas 11-01and 11-02 assigned to Board

            Canada 11-01 assigned to Board

            So-Cal 11-01and 11-02 assigned to Board


            Copyright matters will be talked about later today  in smaller meeting groups.

            Identification of our attorneys.

            Report mentioned importance of empowering our non-U.S. Voting Entities.

            Report identified that a person in Mexico owns the CoDA name. There is a plan to recapture our name, it will be



            Karla K., one of our attorneys and a member of CoDA, continued with the report.

            Talked about necessity to operate under terms of our Articles of Incorportation (our "birth certificate") and our bylaws

             ("procedural manual.")

            Talked about our Service Concepts, inverted pyramid, and our service structure.

            Talked about our legal structure.

            Posed the question:  How to harmonize legal and traditional authority?

            Legal counsel is a necessity.

            Identified that our current bylaws are out of compliance with AZ statutes.

            Mentioned the "good business judgment rule."

            13 minutes for questions.



 MOTION   11017            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Delegate                   Name  Yumi M.,Heather S.

  Subject   extend time                                                                                                              seconded

  Item:   Motion to extend question by 10 minutes.


  Remarks ayes 24


FYI            11018            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee                                  Name

  Subject   Break

  Item:   15 minute break




  ACTION   11019            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks 26


  ACTION   11020            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee   CoRe Board              Name  Anita F.

  Subject   CoRe Report

  Item:   Members:  Anita F., Mary I., Della B.,  Loretta, Terri S.

             Anita gave much historical perspective on the origins of CoRe.

            There was very little literature at the outstart, and now CoRe utilizes an 1100 sq.foot warehouse and uses various

            special workers.

            The financial reports were given.

            There are over 3800 people using the webstore to buy literature.  71% of sales are through the webstore.

            Projected rate-of-growth is 15%.

            Anita is stepping down after years of service.  She received a standing ovation.




  FYI          11021            7/5/2011  Vote                        Committee                                  Name  Gary

  Subject   Announcements

  Item:   CoRe Board has 2 applicants to serve.

            Chairs Committee is meeting for dinner and having an information meeting at 7:30 PM tonight in the Savoy Room.





  ACTION   11022            7/5/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary, Lou seconded

  Subject   Approval of today's minutes



  Remarks ayes have it


  ACTION   11023            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Opening

  Item:   Opened

            Read the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, Service Concepts,


            30 seconds was called.




  ACTION   11024            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks quorum present


  MOTION   11025            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Delegate                   Name  Lou, Judi Ann

  Subject   To approve revised  agenda

  Item:   To approve the revised agenda.


            Amend to:  CoRe asked for  5 minutres interview time of new CoRe Board member, prior to election.

            Ayes have it.


            Amend to:  IIMC asked  for 15 minutes more for their report

            Ayes have it.


  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11026            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Co-Nnections             Name  Gary

  Subject   Committee report  Budget

  Item:   Members:  Gary, Jay, Claudia F., Stu S.

            Members review submissions and decide on posting to our site.

            Can sign up to receive e-mailing of weekly readings of selections compiled over  the course of our existence.

            Committee works mainly through e-mail.

            Members have been helping to design new web version of our site.

            Goals:  increase number of submissions and viewers; and to ncrease number of committee members.




  MOTION   11027            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Hosptials and             Name  Yumi M.



  Item:   Move that that the H&I Committee description (see attached) is utilized in the FSM, upon the next updating of the


  Intent The current description is outdated and does not reflect the current purpose, goals and duties of the committee.

  Remarks Ayes have it

               1 abstention


  ACTION   11028            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Hospitals &               Name  Yumi M.


  Subject  Report   Budget

  Item:   Members:  Yumi, Annie, Lou, Barbara, Kathy, Kristin, Lesa.

            Committee's operational service manual draft has been written.

            E-mail listserve has been established to improve communcation. 

            As of yesterday there were 400 plus members signed up to receive the communications via the listserve.

            Requests received for books, information, etc.,  are being tracked so that there is a record to help do the work even

            more effectively.  Turn around time is improving steadily.

            "Books for Inmates Program"  has been expanded to " Books for Inmates and Institutions Program."

            Each donation made to the program is matched by CoDA World Service dollar-for-dollar.

            H&I has rewritten the CoDA meeting format to streamline process for voluteers leading meetings.

            A new flyer for the Books program is being formulated.

            Committee took some questions.




  ACTION   11029            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T., acting chair

  Subject   Explaining budget process  Report   Report cont.

  Item:   Members: Judi, Evie, Della

            Committee worked with CoDA Treasurer.

            Thanked Della,  France, and Lou  for great and exhaustive work done on the H&I Books and Institutions Program.


            We are solvent but do not have infinite resources.

            Finance Committee must make a prudent budget for Fellowship, and calculatethe prudent reserve for the year.  It is

            done by reviewing a 3-year timeframe.  For 2012 it is just over $300,000.00.

            Committees are asked to project their expenses for a year's time.

            Finance has to decide the balance between budget requests and use of available funds.

            Stated that CSC is vital to the Fellowship and is a cost of doing business. 

            Asked if CoDA Convention is a vehicle for outreach to new members?

            Committee took some questions which spurred some discussion about reimbursements, about us as a world

            fellowship, and about how to balance the many facets relating to CoDA existing as a Twelve-Step Fellowship which

             is side-by-side with a corporation.




  ACTION   11030            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Break

  Item:   10 minute break




  ACTION   11031            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum Count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  MOTION   11032            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Translation                Name  Roy L.



  Subject   Motion

  Item:   Move that the upcoming publication of CoDA book in Spanish and other languages  be accomplished without the



            Amend to:  add to motion:  "And be named the Abridged Co-Dependents Anonymous Book."


            Move that the upcoming publication of CoDA book in Spanish and other languages  be accomplished without the

            stories, and be named the Abridged Co-Dependents Anonymous Book

  Intent Texas brought a VE issue (TX-08-02, motion 08018) back in 2008 that the board later made a decision that the

           Translated CoDA Book would include the stories.  Since that time, TMC has heard that a Texas VEI is requesting

           publication of the CoDA Book without the stories.

  Remarks Ayes  have it


  ACTION   11033            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Translation                Name  Roy L.



  Subject   TMC report  Budget

  Item:   Roy, Madeline, Leo, Fernando, Lena, Gerald, and Michelle


            There are many agreements in process and will be worked until they become legal contracts. 

            The publication process requires much up-front money.

            This committee does not do actual translations, and expresses thanks to Spanish outreach for their great assistance.

            Judi Ann is introduced as the new chair.




  ACTION   11034            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   CoRe                       Name  Terri S.

  Subject   getting to know new CoRe member prior to her being elected by CSC

  Item:   Terri introduced herself and told us that she has over 20 years experience in the publishing industry, having served

            in many positions, such as an art director, among other.

            She is a long-term CoDA member.

            She asked for our support.




  MOTION   11035            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #1  Meeting list attachment

  Item:   Members:  Florence, John, Stephanie, Eric, Judi, Dave


            Replace the "about the Phone List" item with the attached, which includes a column for email addresses.

  Intent To have space so that members can share their email addresses

  Remarks ayes have it


  MOTION   11036            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #2  FSM draft  MSP draft

  Item:   Motion:  To modify the Fellowship Service Manual and the Meeting Starter Packet so that they are two separate


  Intent Presently the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) contains the Meeting Starter Packet (MSP).  The MSP is a

           duplicate of what is presently in the FSM. It is our intent to the let the FSM reflect what is relevant to service in the

           whole Fellowship and the MSP to reflect what is relevant to the individual CoDA groups and how to get a new

           meeting started.  No actual information has been removed or changed.  We simply eliminated the duplicate material

           that was present in the FSM.

  Remarks Ayes have it

               1 abstention


  MOTION   11037            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #3

  Item:   Motion:  To clarify description in the FSM concerning open, closed and restricted meetings.

            (the strikethrough words will be taken out and the red words will be added)

            SECTION 3 FSM-

            “Open” and “Closed” Meetings

            A CoDA meeting may be "open.” This means that anyone can attend. “Anyone” means

            codependents, non-codependents, students, or representatives of other organizations (including

            the media), etc. (It is expected, and may be specifically asked, that all such visitors agree to

            respect our need for anonymity and confidentiality.)

            A “closed” group, however, is a group attended only by people who are codependent or  think they may be

            codependent who have the desire to develop healthy and loving relationships. Newcomers who think they may be

            codependent and/or have the desire to develop healthy and loving relationships can attend a closed meeting.

            An open or closed group may be “restricted.” For example, a meeting may be listed as “closed - women.” In this

            example, only women who are codependent (or have the desire to develop healthy and loving relationships) may

            attend this meeting.  Another example, a meeting may be listed as "open-Gay/Lesbian".  In this example "Anyone"

            (as described above) may attend this meeting.  It also means that this meeting may be designated Gay/Lesbian but it

             is still open to those who are not Gay/Lesbian.

            However, in respecting the spirit of Traditions One, Three, and Five, we honor one exception. No member of our

            Fellowship shall be turned away from even a closed or restricted meeting, if there is no other meeting available to

            this person.

  Intent Intent: To address MO VEI 06014-Motion 06080 to clear up language regarding open, closed and restricted,


  Remarks 30 seconds called


               Voice vote:

               Ayes have it


               Abstentions 3


               Now doing a vote by count:

               Ayes:  35

               Nays:    2

               Abstentions: 5


  MOTION   11038            7/6/2011  Vote TABLED          Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #4

  Item:   Motion: to change the FSM/MSP FAQ section concerning tax information to:


            Can our group use the CoDA Tax ID Number?

            No. The CoDA Tax ID Number, also known as the Employer Identification Number (EIN) is not for use by any

            other level of CoDA except the corporate level.

             Why?  The Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc. EIN is specific to the corporation of CoDA. Having an “umbrella”

            tax status would require that each group submit information including identifying their officers. CoDA would then

            be responsible for the groups’ financial reporting and financial activity. We would have to establish a system of

            controls over the finances of each CoDA group, intergroup/community, and Voting Entity or regional service board.

            We would have to ensure the use of all income solely for CoDA purposes and require regular reports to some central

            CoDA organization, which would account to tax authorities for the activities of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.

            All of this conflicts with our Traditions of anonymity, group autonomy and our concept of service. For this reason

            we recommend that each meeting group, intergroup/community, or Voting Entity organization that has need for a

            Tax ID Number/EIN should apply for their own.


            How do we open a bank account and obtain a Tax ID Number?

            In order for a CoDA group, intergroup/community, or Voting Entity organization to open a US bank account as a

            group entity, not just under the name of the treasurer, the bank usually requires:            

                       1) A minimum balance.

                        2) A copy of the minutes of your business meeting that includes the name of your organization.

                        3) A list of all officers of the organization and anyone else who may be a co-signer on the account, including

             some form of ID such as driver’s license and Social Security Number on each person.

                        4) A Tax ID Number/ EIN for the organization.


            To apply for a Tax ID Number/EIN, contact the IRS to request Form SS-4: “Application for Employer

            Identification Number.” You can order tax forms by phone at 1-800- TAX- FORM (1-800-829-3676.) Or you can get

             forms and information at the IRS website at

            The IRS does not require you to be incorporated to get a Tax ID Number/EIN.  It’s a good idea to check with a

            legal and/or tax professional in your state for more information.

            The number should not be "loaned" or otherwise used by any other group, or person. For example, a CoDA

            intergroup/community should not allow individual meeting groups within that intergroup/community to use its

            EIN. The bank  is responsible to report information to the Internal Revenue Service about certain types of activity in

             bank accounts, such as interest income and large currency transactions. 

            Accurate records must be maintained for all income and expenses. Whether a tax return is required or not, the group

            must keep accurate records that are available for inspection if requested by state or federal agencies. Examples of such

            records may include minutes of business meetings, any changes in officers, and financial records including receipts

            for rent and literature. For more regarding tax returns in the US, see the IRS website. 

            If you change your address after you receive your EIN you must notify the IRS of the new address.  Use Form 8822,

            “Change of Address.”  If the group should ever close, the group officers need to notify the IRS in writing to cancel

            their Tax ID Number/EIN.



            Alternatives to getting a Tax ID number/EIN for a bank account

            Some groups use the social security number of the group’s treasurer as the Tax ID for the group’s bank account. A

            group may open a checking account, non-interest bearing, under the treasurer’s social security number with a Doing

            Business As (D/B/A) name on the account (such as “Sunrise CoDA”). While this could have tax implications for

            the treasurer, usually the balance of a group's checking account is so low that there is no problem. For more

            information on taxes see the IRS website.

            Many meeting groups hold such a small amount of funds that they choose not to open a bank account.  The group’s

             treasurer holds the money in a coffee can or shoebox, or the group may keep the money in a locked file cabinet in

            their meeting location.


            Tax Information

            A group, intergroup/community or Voting Entity organization that has a Tax ID Number/EIN and a bank account

            may need to deal with federal income tax and various state taxes.  Most meeting groups hold very little money in

            their bank account, and even if it is an interest bearing account, it will usually not earn enough interest to require

            income tax payment, although you may need to file for state or federal purposes. Since tax laws are subject to change

             (including the minimum income required for paying income tax and filing requirements), we suggest you consult

            with a tax professional concerning what state or federal tax requirements apply to your group.

             A group, intergroup/community, or state organization that is involved in the sale of literature or other items may be

             responsible for paying sales tax on those items. Most meeting groups either give away literature or accept voluntary

             donations for literature, in which case there is no concern with sales tax. However, if you sell things like literature,

            tapes, or tee shirts, such as at a workshop, then you are responsible for keeping records of sales and collecting and

            paying sales tax. Again, if you are unsure how to proceed with sales tax, consult your state’s website or an attorney

            or accountant for further help.

            Tax-Exempt Status

            CoDA groups are "non profit" but they are not automatically "tax-exempt".

            Obtaining tax exemption status is an expensive and complicated process that involves legal obligations, controversy

             about Traditions, and ongoing responsibility. Most meeting groups (and even most intergroups/communities)

            operate with minimal funds, and contributions are generally done in cash anonymously at the meetings. Groups

            rarely have any tax liability and do not need tax exemption. Even when you consider the purchase of literature and

            other materials, the added taxes are minimal. So a tax-exempt status really wouldn't buy much at the local meeting

            level, and could also result in considerable paperwork by a meeting volunteer.

            Large intergroups /communities or state CoDA organizations sometimes form corporations and get their own tax

            exemption. If a group is doing large conventions or has a large service office, it may be worthwhile to go through the

             process of obtaining tax-exempt status at the state and/or federal level.  You may want to read IRS publication 557,

            "Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization" and Form 1023 and its instructions. Your state may require a separate

            application for tax-exempt status.

            Since tax exemption is complex and carries sizable legal responsibility, we encourage you to consult with legal and

            tax professionals who are familiar with the needs of small nonprofit organizations in your state when preparing your

            corporation papers, filing for tax exemption, and maintaining your nonprofit tax reports.

  Intent To clarify, simplify and streamline the wording in the FSM FAQ concerning Tax information.

  Remarks tabled by committee


  MOTION   11039            7/6/2011  Vote TABLED          Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #5

  Item:   To add the following language to Section 9 of the Fellowship Service Manual, under the CoDA Board of Trustees

            Position Description:

                          Demonstration of skills and abilities while doing CoDA service in your Voting Entity  /Intergroup/ community for

            at least one year

                          Service experience on a CoDA standing committee for at least one year.

                          Previous attendance at a CoDA Service Conference.

                          Delegate service for at least one year

                          Fluency in English


            Committee amended to the " Fluency in English" statement so as  to provide for use of a translator if Trustee is not

            fluent in English.

  Intent To add these qualities to the existing list shown below:

                           Working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous

                           Understanding and experience of the group conscience process.

                           Familiarity with the Service Manual and CoDA By-laws.

                           Courage to express oneself and the ability to listen and communicate effectively with others.

                           Dedication and commitment to the health of CoDA.

                           Desire to carry the message to the still suffering codependent.

                           Willingness and availability to serve the Fellowship through major service projects.

           SSC believes this added information gives clearer guidance for members who are considering the position of Trustee

           on the CoDA Board; and gives additional guidance to the voting members of the Service Conference about desirable

           service experience when electing Trustees.

  Remarks SSC spoke with (or emailed) many of CoDA's trusted servants while crafting this motion. These qualities are not

               requirements, but are guidelines for selecting members for the important position of trustee. We believe that solid

               experience in the Fellowship is vital.


               30 seconds called during pro & con


  MOTION   11040            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   SSC                         Name  Florence F.

  Subject   extend time

  Item:   To extend time of report by 5 minutes


  Remarks Ayes:  31

               Nays:   10

               Abstentions:  2


  MOTION   11041            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Service Structure         Name  Florence F.


  Subject   Motion #6  Meeting update form   Combined meeting update form

  Item:   Motion: To modify the meeting update form in the Service Manual to match the current  database entry form on the


  Intent This is in line with—MOTION   10028 Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   WEB         Name  Roy

           To modify the meeting update forms to match the current website database entry form. Referencing primary and

           secondary meeting contacts and allowing for checkmarks for the individuals to choose to publically display their

           phone numbers and email addresses. The online form gives the person the option to publically display either/or

           while the paper form allows the  release of mail and phone info; respectively, for the first contact and second contact

  Remarks Added checkmarks to the paper form for the primary and secondary meeting contacts, allowing them to choose to

               publically display their phone numbers and email addresses.  The online form gives the person the option to

               publically display either/or while the paper form only allows the release of mail and phone info; respectively, for

               the first contact and second contact only. See attached document for final version.


               Ayes have it


  ACTION   11042            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Michelle                    Name  Event

  Subject   Announcements and breaking for lunch

  Item:   IMC to meet for lunch with interested parties

            Literature to meet after business tonight in the lobby




  ACTION   11043            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum met


  ACTION   11044            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Announcements

  Item:   Flo - One of SSC's motion was taken as non-Foreign experience.  This was not intented.  All international

            particpates are encourage to participate


            Gary - Reminder about "passing the badge"




  ACTION   11045            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   International Task      Name  Jim Y.


  Subject   International Task Force Report

  Item:   Members:  Jim Y, Deb, Nancy, Skip, Michelle, Joan, Yee Ching, Fernando C., Alison


            Created as a motion of board looking forward to another 25 years of CoDA.

            Task force is in its infancy

            Collecting information to present to CSC.


            Mission:  Look at past 25 years, other fellowships and examine how we might do things better in future.


            6 phase process:

            PHASE I

            Establish an International Task Force - ITF


            PHASE 2  (ITF)

            Provide to  the Board a list of outreaching activities practiced within fellowships  at  local levels - groups,

            intergroups,  and communities.  Report as to how other worldwide fellowships nurture and support their 

            international fellowships.


            PHASE 3  (ITF)

            Recommend to the Board outreaching processes that would be appropriate and effective within this Fellowship.  

            Recommend any changes that may be indicated.


            PHASE 4  (Board & Founders meetings)  Create a CoDA vision for next 25 years -  with the assistance of Founders

             Ken & Mary.


            PHASE 5  (Board, Task Force or assigned Committee)

            Assess the needs of the CoDA Fellowship as a world wide fellowship.  With that information and the Vision as

            developed in Phase 4, develop a plan for implementation of these ideas.


            PHASE 6 (Board)  Develop a systematic plan whereby the changing needs of the fellowship are discovered, assess

            and responded to in a timely and  effective manner.   This scope  maybe further defined as the TF reports their



            More volunteers were invited to join.




  ACTION   11046            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   IMC                         Name  Natasha

  Subject   IMC Report  Budget  Goals

  Item:   Members:  Natasha, Cathy, Curtis, Lisa, Loretta




  ACTION   11047            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   IMC                         Name  Natasha

  Subject   Motion #1

  Item:   To update IMC’s description section in FSM under  Section 10, "Board Overseen Service Functions and CoDA

            Standing Committees" Issues Mediation Committee’s  as indicated in the attached document.

  Intent To edit  the FSM IMC description to assist the fellowship with the mediation process & to rearrange a couple  IMC

           description lines improve positioning.

  Remarks Due to experiences from disputes from this last year, IMC views that it is in the best interest of all disputing

               party(s) to utilize the mediation process (for objectivity, mediation experience, proper resolution purposes) defined

               by the FSM in all conflicts and disputes.


               Ayes have it

               no Nays

               6 abstentions

  MOTION   11048            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   IMC                         Name  Natasha

  Subject   Motion #3

  Item:   Motion(1) Delete the existing below bullets under  Board Liaison to Standing CoDA Committees, under

            "Conflicts" (highlighted in blue)   as stated below;

            (1)           Board Liaison to Standing CoDA Committees


            • If conflict arises within a committee, the liaison may assist the committee in the resolution of this conflict, relying

            on CoDA‘s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for guidance.

            • Conflict resolution may involve the Issues Mediation Committee (IMC); (see Section 10) if the committee chair

            and liaison feel this is desirable.

            • If conflict arises between the liaison and the committee, the committee chair or liaison may request IMC assistance

            in resolution of the conflict.

            • If a liaison/committee conflict seems irresolvable, the IMC will advise the CoDA Board. This is recommended

            because the IMC represents an impartial perspective on the conflict, and may provide the Board with a clear

            understanding of the issues involved.

            • In the case of irresolvable conflict, the Board may choose to assign a new liaison to the committee. This change

            will be reported in the subsequent Quarterly Service Report.

            (2)           Re-edit & move those liaison conflicts which is now 2 new bullet points after the 2 existing bullets points 

            under Section 10 in FSM’s “Board Overseen Service Functions and Coda Standing Committees” Issues Mediation

            committee’s description under Mediation Procedures.  See IMC attachment.

            (3)           Add one additional  bullet at the end of bullets.   Please see IMC attachment.


            Amendment:  Add may to the statement:     A Committee member or Board member "may submit" their request for

            assistance to the IMC to mediate the conflict within a Committee or within the Board if irresolvable,

                            The Board and/or trusted Servant, and/or Committee "may  submit" the dispute to the IMC to mediate  if they

            cannot resolve the conflict between each other,

            The Committee chair or Board liaison "may submit" a  request  to the IMC for assistance in resolution of the

            conflict if conflict arises between a Board Liaison and a committee,


            IMC agreed to these changes

  Intent To reduce redundancies; bring uniformity to the FSM & combine all “conflict & mediation” sections (with the

           exception of the ‘Disagreement, Mediation & Resolution Process”) in one place;  the fellowship approved committee-

            the IMC. To avoid awkward writing in the FSM. To allow for  transparency according to the FSM.  To remove any

            bias level positions  from the mediation process. To allow every trusted servant the right to be heard & be

           represented in a fair manner. Reinforces Tradition 1, 2, 3; Service Concepts 7 & 12.

  Remarks IMC is making an effort to update its section in the FSM so the fellowship can easily find the topic related to

               conflict resolution.  To ensure objectivity in the mediation process using volunteer members who are nonbiased

               and experienced with the process.  IMC has been privy to several disputes whereby parties have been biased and

               have not been cooperative with both IMC and FSM procedures/policies; taken matters in their own hands, and

               used their leadership roles & given “powers” in abusive ways toward other trusted servants and CoDA entities. 

               Motion reinforces  CoDA Tradition 1, 2 and 3; Service Concepts 3, 7 and 12.


               Yes:  31

               No: 4

               Abstentions:  6

  MOTION   11049            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   IMC                         Name  Nastasha

  Subject   Motion #2

  Item:   Motion: To replace FSM Section 2 (pg. 14): "Disagreement, Mediation, and Resolution" in our Group Conscience

            Process, as indicated on the attached document (added changes are highlighted).


            Amended statement , These parties should also be recused…"  Gramar change made.

  Intent To reinstate key paragraphs and other minor editing corrections that were accidentally "dropped" during typing of the

           final copy of the CSC adopted motion. Also, add new verbiage to reflect new dispute experiences.  The dispute

           process protects the trusted servant as well as CoDA’s resources as a whole.  Upholding Traditions 1, 3, 5, and 12.
Remarks  The IMC is elected each year at CSC for the sole purpose of mediating disputes and provides an impartial

               perspective on conflicts.  IMC needs to continuously review its processes to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant for

                the common welfare of our CoDA fellowship.


               Yes:  30

               No:  7

               abstentions:  3


  MOTION   11050            7/6/2011  Vote MAJORITY       Committee   IMC                         Name  Nastasha

  Subject   Motion #4

  Item:   Motion:   Add the following highlighted paragraphs to the FSM’s "Disagreement, Mediation and Resolution

            Process under Section 2; specifically, add to page 15, after the paragraph, "A situation". (This will be a new

            paragraph, the fourth paragraph before the ending of this section) 


            “If the dispute case is at the IMC level, any trusted servant(s) (including Board Trustees, paid/non-paid

            administrators, FSWs) and/or any CoDA entity(s) (including a CoDA Board), directly or indirectly involved with a

            dispute/complaint, are expected to follow CoDA FSM guidelines/Bylaws, and fully cooperate  and participate with

            IMC’s investigation, mediation and resolution process.    Some examples of cooperation are: providing truthful

            information and any written "information" relating to the dispute; negotiating and communicating earnestly and in

            good faith; and cooperating with IMC recommended resolution actions.   All should be done in a timely manner.


            If a dispute is irresolvable at the IMC level, the dispute may be brought to the Board of Trustees or to CSC (if a

            Board member/Board is involved with the dispute).   Personal names and titles will be removed for confidentiality

            purposes if brought to the CSC.  Bringing a dispute to the CSC is a natural progression given CoDA’s inverted

            triangle. It also avoids a conflict of interest in the event the Board is directly involved in a dispute.


            The Board of Trustees or CSC, while working together with the IMC, may apply consequences to relevant trusted

            servant(s) who excessively violate(s) FSM policies and/or Bylaws and who may choose not to participate with the

            conflict resolution process. Consequences may include from requesting that the trusted servant volunteer to take a

            45-day ‘cooling off’ period; a simple warning; temporary removal from CoDA service; and/or removal from

            leadership positions, etc.  This time period would allow for self-development, personal growth and recovery before

            trusted servant(s) returns to service.


            The IMC will present the relevant information to either the CoDA’s Board of Trustees (unless a Board member or

            the Board is directly involved with the dispute) or at the next CSC to allow for accuracy, objectivity, and fairness.


            The IMC, and other party(s), can utilize & present correspondence/emails relevant in the dispute without author’s

            approvals (without reproach) in order to facilitate its duties and responsibilities in the investigative, mediation, and

            resolution process.


            Amended to remove evidence and replace with Information.  Take out paid/non paid employee and FSW where ever

            they show up.  Take out data and add information by the committee.


            Amended to remove last sentence:  The IMC, and other party(s), can utilize & present correspondence/emails

            relevant in the dispute without author’s approvals (without reproach) in order to facilitate its duties and

            responsibilities in the investigative, mediation, and resolution process.   Agreed to by Committee.

  Intent This added section is primarily intended to serve as a deterrent to those who (1) excessively break FSM policies and

           procedures, (2) choose not to come to resolution in a healthy manner; and, (3) who choose not to cooperate or

           interfere with the FSM and IMC fellowship approved process.   The FSM and IMC procedures are meant to

           encourage & protect healthy behavior not unhealthy behavior.  


           The IMC is established to ensure fairness & FSM policies are correctly followed in disputes to keep CoDA a safe

           environment to serve in.  This process is updated periodically & approved by the fellowship since new disputing

           parties bring new concerns that may not be only harmful towards each other, but to the organization. 


           In CoDA recovery, utilizing the 12 Steps and FSM should guide those in conflict and assist them to resolution.  

           This motion would offer those an opportunity for more personal recovery time outside of CoDA service.  This

           motion follows: Tradition 1, 2, 3; Service Concepts 3, 4, 7 & 12.

  Remarks The IMC has been involved with a dispute this year.  This receiving party did not answer any of IMC questions

               or requests (via email) after many cordial & patient attempts.  IMC sent repeated emails with extended deadlines. 

               Not one piece of evidence was given to IMC.  IMC cannot rely on hearsay or stories after-the-fact.


               The rest of the group did try to work with IMC toward resolution at a certain point; however, others interfered

               with the process and remained uncooperative.  Comments of being above the FSM and Bylaws were made as well

                as coercion to not have IMC follow through with the dispute.  Researched written facts and information also

               clearly showed untruthfulness; a personal agenda; independent decision making & actions (no group conscience);

               unhealthy influence on other members in the group, and unhealthy interference with the resolution process. 




               Yes:  24

               No:  12

               abstentions:  4

  MOTION   11051            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   IMC                         Name  Natasha, Yumi

  Subject   Motion to extend time

  Item:   Motion for an additional 5 minutes


  Remarks Ayes have it

               no nays

               abstentions:  5


  ACTION   11052            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Facilitator                 Name  David & Gary

  Subject   IMC Elections

  Item:   Nominations:


            Leslie C - NoCal

            Heather - HI

            Anita - Ut

            Deborah - SoCal

            Cathy -  AZ

            Natsha - AZ

            Loretta - Wa

            Curtis - Mo - no accept this year


            Facilitator declared nominations closed


            Move to accept all by acclamation.  Lou, Dave S


  Remarks Ayes have it

               Nays: none

               2 obstentions


  ACTION   11053            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Break





  ACTION   11054            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks quorum met


  ACTION   11055            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Committee report  Presentation  Goals  Budget

  Item:   Members: Leo, Eric, Evie, Allan, Doug, Geff, Liz,Florence, Shari resigned recently

            Enumerated goals and spoke about accomplishements




  MOTION   11056            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #3

  Item:   Replace the FSM Section 10 Board Overseen Service Functions and CoDA Standing Committees, Fellowship

            Services section, Telephone Point of Contact with the following:


            CoDA Telephone Point of Contact:


                          A system that will provide meeting information and answers to questions using available technology to keep costs

            at a minimal level without diminishing service. CoDA volunteers should be used where possible.

  Intent Ensure that the FSM reflects the way we are currently handling incoming telephone contact.

  Remarks Current FSM:



               CoDA Telephone Point of Contact:


                         A voice contact for all calls made to CoDA

                         A Commercial answering service receives all calls and refers any calls that cannot be answered by the service to

               the appropriate board member, CoDA committee chairperson.

                         When possible, the answering service provides meeting information as available in the CoDA meeting database


               Ayes have it


  MOTION   11057            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #2

  Item:   Add the following bullet to the FSM section Communications from the Board, Quarterly Service Report (QSR)



                          No changes may be made to a committee’s QSR submission without the agreement of the committee.


            Amendment:  No changes may be made to a committee's QSR  submission without discussion with the committee.

              No content changes may be made without mutual agreement unless there is a legal issue involved. 

            Amendment was accepted by committee

  Intent To ensure that the QSR properly reflects each committee’s activities.

  Remarks The section being modified as it currently appears in the FSM:


               Communications from the Board:

                CoDA Quarterly Service Report (QSR) Guidelines

                         All QSR submissions are made through the appropriate board liaison, i.e.: The Finance committee report is

               submitted through the Finance Committee Board liaison.

                         All submissions to the QSR editor are made through the QSR Board liaison.

                         There are no additions by the editor.

                         The final draft of the QSR is made available for review by all Board members, and must be reviewed by at least

               two members.

                         The editor makes no changes to the QSR after final approval by the Board.


               Ayes have it

               Nay 1

               Abstentions 0


  MOTION   11058            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #4

  Item:   Rename  Section 10 Board Overseen Service Functions and CoDA Standing Committees of the FSM to be Section

            10 Board Overseen Service Functions, CoDA Standing Committees and other CoDA bodies


            Add the following definition and rules for creation of a new Task Force or Ad Hoc committee to the Fellowship

            Service Manual (FSM) in the other CoDA bodies section:



            Other CoDA Bodies:


            Task Forces and Ad Hoc committees:


            Definition of a Task Force:

            Temporary group of people formed to carry out a specific mission or project, or to solve a problem that requires a

            multi-disciplinary approach.


            Definition of an Ad Hoc committee:

            Committee formed for a specific task or objective, and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of

            the objective.


            When a new Task Force or Ad Hoc committee is established by the CoDA Board between CSC meetings the

            following steps must be followed:

                          A clear mission must be developed

                          A clear set of criteria for membership must be developed

                          The mission and criteria must be made available to the CoDA World Fellowship via posting on the website and

            sending out via the Email List to solicit volunteers

                          Any decisions made by the Task Force or Ad Hoc committee must be presented at and approved by the next CSC

            prior to any actions being taken.


            The following statement was added to the motion on 6/3/11:

            Any current Task Force or Ad Hoc committee not using guidelines will be disbanded and recreated following the

            above procedures.


            Amendment:  to strike "prior to any action being taken"

            Standing vote on this amendment: 

            yes:  10

            no:  22

            abstentions:  10

            amendment not accepted


            Amendment:  change" decisions" to "suggestions" 

            accepted by committee

  Intent To ensure that CoDA continues to function as an inverted pyramid where our trusted servants do not govern and only

            operate according to the will of the Fellowship.

  Remarks During this past a year an International Task Force was created by the CoDA board.  The steps listed above were

               not followed during the creation of this task force.


               Ayes:  30

               Nays:  6

               Abstentions:  7


  MOTION   11059            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #6

  Item:   Recognize the existence of the Chairs Forum as a working entity within CoDA.  Add the following purpose

            statement of the Chairs Forum to the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) in other CoDA bodies section:


            The CoDA Chairs Forum was created to give current CoDA Chairs the opportunity to strategically work on topics

            and common goals and to share our CoDA experience.  The Chairs Forum works in a collaborative, productive and

            respectful manner. Topics can include educational and informational issues, and those identified problems that can be

             better solved collectively.  By working on these goals, we strive to become better chairs.

  Remarks The Chairs Forum held its first meeting during last year’s CSC and has held numerous conference calls since

               then. Those chairs who have chosen to participate feel that the forum has significantly improved communication

               within the CoDA World Fellowship.


               Ayes have it

               Abstentions 2


  MOTION   11060            7/6/2011  Vote TABLED          Committee   Communications        Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #1


            Replace the three sections of the FSM related to communication with the new sections provided below in Remarks


            Amendment:  replace "e-mail" with "electronic communication." agreed by committee


            Amendment:  to remove the note on sending an e-mail to IMC for dispute purposes without permission of original



            Standing vote on this amendment:

            Yes:  6

            No:   28

            Abstentions:  9

            change failed

  Intent Ensure that the FSM reflects how we currently do business.  All changes reflect our movement to doing much of our

           work online and utilizing newer available technologies that were either not available or not used consistently when

           the sections were written.

  Remarks Below are the sections to be replaced. Areas that have been changed have been highlighted.


               Section 1


               Board Liaison to Standing CoDA Committees

               Description: The Board assigns a member to serve as liaison, to provide a communication link between each

               standing conference committee, the Board, and the Fellowship


               • Liaisons communicate pertinent information to their assigned committee, including: dates of Board meetings,

               CoDA Quarterly Service Report (QSR) publication deadlines, and any information related to the committee’s

               goals or commitments to the Fellowship.

               • Liaisons may serve in a consulting capacity between committees, providing guidance in such areas as financial

               management of committee budgets.

               • Liaisons communicate changes in CoDA’s overall financial status to committee chairs as soon as possible in

               order to allow for any expenditure adjustments.

               • Liaisons provide guidance in adherence to the Twelve Traditions in all activities.

               • Liaisons report on committee activities to the Board at the monthly con call or meeting, if no committee chair or

                representative attends. Liaisons submit written copies of standing committee reports to the Board before or at each

                scheduled Board con call or meeting.

               • Liaisons review committee reports prior to presentation to the Board and Fellowship, and prior to publication in

                the QSR. Liaisons may suggest changes to any report.


               • If conflict arises within a committee, the liaison may assist the committee in the resolution of this conflict,

               relying on CoDA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for guidance.

               • Conflict resolution may involve the Issues Mediation Committee (IMC); (see Section 10) if the committee chair

               and liaison feel this is desirable.

               • If conflict arises between the liaison and the committee, the committee chair or liaison may request IMC

               assistance in resolution of the conflict.

               • If a liaison/committee conflict seems irresolvable, the IMC will advise the CoDA Board. This is recommended

               because the IMC represents an impartial perspective on the conflict, and may provide the Board with a clear

               understanding of the issues involved.

               • In the case of irresolvable conflict, the Board may choose to assign a new liaison to the committee. This change

               will be reported to the committee immediately and the website will be changed accordingly. It will also be

               reported in the subsequent Quarterly Service Report.


               Section 2


               Section 12 Guidelines for CoDA Communications

               Communications within all of CoDA

               Informative and timely communications are necessary for the growth and maintenance of any service organization.

               Lack of communication among our members can cause unnecessary conflict.


               CoDA members have requested guidance in applying our Steps and Traditions to new forms of communication,

               specifically electronic mail (e-mail). The principles of effective communication may be applied to all forms of

               communication among members, committees, and service boards of CoDA.


               All e-mail/Internet and postal addresses are confidential and are for CoDA business use only.





               Because e-mail is less expensive and more efficient than Postal Service deliveries, its use is encouraged, provided

               boundaries are maintained. These boundaries include maintaining appropriate anonymity. Appropriate anonymity

               requires that we keep our CoDA business within CoDA and that our emails do not go to people outside the

               Fellowship.  It also means that we do not forward any email to a wider audience than the original thread without

               the author’s express permission.


               Note: The one exception to the above policy is when an email is pertinent in a dispute. In that case the email may

                be sent to IMC without the author's permission.


               Our 11th tradition states: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always

                maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films. This does not say that we can not share our

               last names with members of the fellowship.  Whether or not to do so is a personal choice,


               Email providers may include your full name even if it isn’t part of your email address if you have provided it

               when signing up.  If this level of anonymity is important to you, use the tools provided by your email provider to

                hide your last name. If necessary, create a new email account and only use your last initial in the last name field.



               Anyone in the CoDA Fellowship can request that his/her email address be placed on the CoDA Announcements

               email list. Because e-mail copies involve no additional cost, broad distribution of general information is enhanced.

                Communication is enhanced when at least two members in each Voting Entity have e-mail addresses and are

               willing to disseminate information received via e-mail.


               Any communication may be sent via e-mail. However, care must be taken when sending copyrighted information

               via email in order to protect our copyrights.  Under the "fair use" rule of copyright law, an author may make

               limited use of another author's work without asking permission.  This means that only a small portion (never

               more than 1 or 2 paragraphs) may be used and no permission is required to do so.  Service items that are available

                on the website may be sent in full.


               Proper email etiquette should be used at all times while conducting CoDA business.  The following items are


                         Avoid offensive language, name calling and taking other inventories

                         When using reply all that includes aliases remove individual addresses that are part of an alias to prevent people

               from getting multiple copies

                         Do not use all capitals as that is considered yelling 


               Social Networking Sites

               Because there are concerns about anonymity and privacy on social networking sites no CoDA literature or CoDA

               business should be posted or discussed on any site that is open to everyone.  If anyone chooses to discuss CoDA

               literature or CoDA business on a private recovery site one should limit literature posting to very small excerpts to

                protect copyrights and use discretion when discussing CoDA business.


               These guidelines were developed with insight gained from the following Steps and Traditions:


               Step Ten: Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

               Note;  All I and My statements below were changed to We and Our statements.


               If we fail to follow our guidelines, we admit our shortcomings and make amends wherever and as soon as

               possible. If we wronged a person in private, we make amends in private; if we wronged a person in front of others,

               we make amends in front of others.

               Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon CoDA unity. We ask

               ourselves, "Does this message promote CoDA unity, foster fellowship or promote recovery? Could it be

               interpreted as disruptive or divisive?" If we receive a message that we consider disruptive or divisive, we share

               that feeling with the author before seeking other remedies. We ask permission before copying an e-mail message or

                other communication to others. We review our responses for adherence to our Steps, Traditions, and principles.

               Tradition Two: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority: a loving Higher Power as expressed to

               our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

               CoDA has procedures in place to determine the group conscience of a meeting, Intergroup, Voting Entity and even

                our CoDA structure. We determine our collective group conscience by selecting/electing representatives to serve

               the Fellowship. Our Higher Power gives us guidance in this way. Sometimes people may circumvent our process

               by claiming to be interpreters of our group conscience. To avoid future confusion, when we participate in a group

               conscience decision, we make written notes of the people who were notified and/or participated, identify the

               subject we discussed, and include the results of the decision.

               Tradition Three: The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.


               We need to be aware that not everyone in CoDA has access to telephones, computers, e-mail, or the Internet.

               CoDA is based on inclusion, not exclusion. Access to technology of any kind is not a requirement for

               participation in our program so we look for ways to distribute information, when requested, to those who do not

               have this access.. We make a sincere attempt to include all interested members in our discussions.

               Tradition Nine: CoDA, as such, ought never to be organized; but we may create service boards or committees

               directly responsible to those they serve.

               As a member of CoDA, and when working as a trusted servant in any way, we are respectful to the members we

               serve and the members we associate with. We communicate with others on matters that affect other groups or

               CoDA as a whole

               Tradition Ten: CoDA has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the CoDA name ought never be drawn into public


               As a member of CoDA and when working as a trusted servant, we respect the careful use of Postal Service,

               telephone, fax, e-mail and the internet. We do not use personal correspondence of any kind to draw Co-Dependents

                Anonymous, any of its service boards, or any CoDA member into public controversy on any matter.

               Tradition Eleven: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always

               maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

               The Internet is not a private form of communication. It is a public medium. Publishing items to web sites is

               comparable to publishing in a newspaper. For this reason, we encourage members to seek anonymity in screen

               names, e-mail addresses, and postal mail addresses.

               Tradition Twelve: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place

               principles before personalities.

               We respect the anonymity of others and ourselves. We consider the point of view of any writer or speaker. Is

               anyone cloaking personal opinions or concerns in our Steps and Traditions? Are we all respecting group

               conscience procedures? Is there a possibility of miscommunication? Could we be making erroneous assumptions?

                Does it feel right? If not, it probably isn't. When in doubt, check it out.


               Section 3


               List of Affirmative Communication Actions

               • I respect the anonymity of others by not using a member's last name in the text of a message.

               • I obtain permission before faxing or emailing CoDA identified materials to a member.

               • I respect the personal integrity, anonymity, and privacy of each member, and I expect and deserve the same.

               • I maintain civility and decorum in my communications to members of CoDA, as I practice developing and

               maintaining healthy relationships. I continue to practice healthy interpersonal behavior in communications via

               telephone, fax, e-mail, and the Internet.

               • When in doubt about the content or intent of a letter, telephone call, e-mail, or other communication, I first

               request clarification from the author before discussing its content.

               • When I participate in a group discussion (in person or by Postal Service, telephone, fax, e-mail or on the

               Internet), I maintain focus on the subject at hand. My attention and focus is a gift I offer other members.

               • Recovery is a process; I respect each member for where that member is in recovery. I practice my program by

               sharing my experience, strength, and hope with others, not by pointing out faults and flaws in others.

               • The text of any forwarded message is transmitted verbatim. I do not edit it. (For the purposes of committee work

                where editing work is in process, I clearly mark a previous, unedited version and include it with my suggested

               revisions.) Generally, emails are not forwarded to people not addressed by the original sender.

               • I encourage others in their recovery, and do not "flame" them. Flaming is a written attack on a person, a person's

                opinions, or a person's point of view, distributed to multiple addresses, usually via e-mail. When my opinions

               differ from another, I share my experiences with that person, explaining how they are different or similar.

               • When sending email to a list of addresses, I send the message to myself and use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) for

               the list of intended recipients in order to protect the anonymity of the members.


  MOTION   11061            7/6/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee                                  Name

  Subject   extension of time

  Item:   10 minutes


  Remarks ayes have it

               abstentions  2


  ACTION   11062            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Elections Committee   Name  David L.

  Subject   Report

  Item:   Explaining some of the rules pertinent to elections.


            Naming the members up for elections:


            CoRe Board:

            Brandi D.,

            Salle H.,

            Terri S.


            CoDA Board:

            France (needs 2/3's vote, all others are a majority vote)

            Evie S.

            Florence F.

            Barbara D.

            Lisa B.


            Elections will be held for CoRe and CoDA, Inc. boards.




            30 seconds called




  MOTION   11063            7/6/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Delegate                   Name  Al, Judi Ann


  Item:   To move approval of today's minutes to tomorrow directly following serenity prayer.


  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11064            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Events                      Name  Michelle

  Subject   Announcements

  Item:   CoRe literature order forms are available and can be submitted to CoRe during conference.

            Co-NNections invites members

            Communications having dinner and inviting everyone interested

            Literature meeting in lobby

            7:30 PM and 7:30 AM CoDA meeting in Capital Room in the Tower Building

            TMC breakfast meeting




  ACTION   11065            7/6/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   end of day





  ACTION   11066            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Opening

  Item:   Reading  of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Service Concepts, and recitation of the Serenity Prayer




  ACTION   11067            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  ACTION   11068            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Co-facilitator             Name  David L.

  Subject   Announcements and agenda changes

  Item:   On Friday we will meet at 9AM in the Columbine Room on the Terrace level, Tower side of the hotel.


            Need  to allocate time to approve yesterday's notes, and approve  the Board minutes from prior 4 years.




  MOTION   11069            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Mary, Lisa

  Subject   Motion to change agenda

  Item:   Taking 10 minutes away from board interviews this afternoon.

            Amendment:  To take the 10 minutes from the Finance report to allow for approval of yesterday's minutes.  Adding

            15 minutes for the international reports.


  Remarks Ayes have it


  MOTION   11070            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Faciliator                  Name  Lou, Kathy

  Subject   accept minutes from yesterday

  Item:   Motion:  Move to accept minutes from yesterday


  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11071            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Outreach                   Name  Lisa B.

  Subject   Outreach Report  Goals

  Item:   Lisa,  Allan, Karen, Lou, John, Florence

            Presented a group conscience per changes in structure and actions, change of alias




  MOTION   11072            7/7/2011  Vote MAJORITY       Committee   Outreach                   Name  Lisa B.

  Subject   Motion  #1

  Item:   The members of Spanish Outreach are hereby petitioning the Board, and the 2011 CoDA Service Conference to grant

             our request to become a standing CoDA Committee.


            Amendment:  We move that Spanish Outreach be established as a standing committee.

            Agreed to by committee.

  Intent Spanish Outreach wants to concentrate its efforts, in carrying CoDA’s message of recovery, and offer information to

           all Spanish-speaking codependents at the World level.

  Remarks Since it was first started, eight years ago, Spanish Outreach has arduously worked to assist Spanish speaking

               codependents obtain knowledge of CoDA. Just as our Fellowship changes, and becomes better known

               internationally, so has the nature of our service work. It is now more time consuming and complex. We are

               experiencing an increasing number of inquiries from Spanish speaking codependents seeking information on all

               aspects of the Fellowship. These range from help ordering literature, to translations, and guidance for the

               establishment of new meetings. We are asked for directions in forming intergroups, and VEs, and ways for other

               countries to obtain permissions for printing their own translated literature. We are asked to translate parts of the

               Fellowship Service Manual so it could be used as reference material for individual groups. The Hispanic

               communities are seeking to serve, and want to do it well . . . As someone mentioned in one of the emails . . .

               “Our group wants to learn and do the way things are done in CoDA.” There is little Spanish information

               available, and codependents come to us searching for answers. There are new meetings developing every month.

               Our work has grown, and is becoming detective in nature. People aren’t just seeking meeting information

                    anymore. It’s taking longer and longer for us to provide information. For the most part, we have to search the main site,
                 translate, and email the answer. Being part of Outreach is a wonderful experience. We are grateful to all of its members
                 for allowing us to learn from them, but as a subcommittee, we participate in some of their teleconferences, and GCs, and
                 this takes additional time from our specialized service work. We are confident and knowledgeable enough to seek
                 standing status. With our work, Spanish Outreach has proven to be worthy of standing alone. Just in the first quarter
                 of 2011, we answered a total of 725 emails.


                 Yes:  22

                 No:  16

                Abstentions:  5


 MOTION 11073             7/7/2011            Vote      TABLED           Committee         Outreach            Name    Lisa B.

  Subject   Motion #2

  Item:   The Conference shall appoint a new Ad Hoc Committee whose goal is to consider our commpliance to legal and

            financial matters taking into consideration CoDA principles and providing recommendations to CSC 2012 for

            consideration.  If legal or financial decisions cannot be delayed until after CSC 2012, the Board of Trustees shall

            follow the guiance of this Ad Hoc Committee.


            That all opinions and records of discussions that have taken place concerning CoDA compliance with legal and IRS

            requirements, be provided to said Ad Hoc Committee.


            The Ad Hoc Committee shall be constituted immediately upon approval of this motion with membership to be

            determined according to the Communications Motion #11058.  However, no more than one-third of this Ad Hoc

            Committee shall be comprised of people who have been involved in the discussions and consultations that have

            resulted in the present position of the Board.

  Intent To empower the Conference with the necessary information to make decisions in the best interest of the Fellowship

           in concert with the Board of Trustees.

  Remarks The Outreach Committee's alias was redirectted to a paid worker at the end of October 2010.  The Outreach Chair

               (through group conscience) requested an explanation of this action from the Board.  Wae were told the

               International Task Force was researching the issue and we would receive an answer soon. 


               As of Conference 2011 no report has been received.  Several attempts to communicate with the Outreach Liaison

               and entire Board were unproductive.  Outreach filed a dispute with IMC in December,, 2010, and we were told

               that legal counsel recommended the Board not respond to IMC's efforts to mediate the dispute.


               The Outreach Chair learned via the Chair's Forum that other committees were experiencing similar difficulties. 

               These difficulties interfered with the Committee's efforts to fulfill their missions.  In addition the Board suggested

               via e-mail, Board Reports, face-to-face and phone conversations with Committee Members and Chairs that

               CoDA's group conscience decision-making process and Service Conference decisions can and even must be

               ignored to comply with the IRS and corporate best practices.  When asked for documentation to back up these

               assertions they were not provided.


  MOTION   11074            7/7/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Literature                  Name  Karla K.

  Subject   Motion #2

  Item:   If Motion #1 passes, to retain the current Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence on the official CodA website

            as an existing service item, so individual CoDA groups may exercise their autonomy to use the 2010 version or the

            2011 revised version in their meetings.

  Intent This motion, if passed, will enable the continued use of the 2010 Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence

           (currently posted on the CoDA website) for those members who would like to keep the current format of the Patterns

           and Characteristics on the official CoDA website as a CoDA Conference endorsed alternative to the revised version

           submitted for endorsement at CSC 2011. Many members of the CoDA fellowship have expressed the power of an "I"

           statement in revealing to them their continued patterns and characteristics of codependence that need to be

           transformed, and prefer the existing Patterns and Characteristics of Codepndence for that reason. This motion supports

            the autonomy of each meeting in selecting the version of Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence that best

  Remarks Ayes:  34

               Nays:  0

               Abstention:  1


  MOTION   11075            7/7/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Literature                  Name  Karla K.

  Subject   Motion #1  Doc

  Item:   To endorse a revised version of the Patterns and Characteristics of  Codependence which removes the "I" statements

            and uses a format of "Codependents often..."  that precedes each pattern of codependence as shown on the attached

            revised version.

  Intent Some members of the CoDA Fellowship have voiced their concern and resistance to the reading of the current P &

           C's of Codependence revised in 2010, because of the use of "I" statements in this service item.  The CLC proposed a

           revision of the service item to respond to this valid concern and to assist members of CoDA in the use of positive

           affirmations to enhance their recovery.  Use of I statements in identifying characteristics of codependency can be

           experienced as negative affirmations, which many members of CoDA believe can actually hinder personal recovery

           and growth. Additionally, the proposed revised version restates the P&C's   in a format currently used in the CoDA

           book  "Peeling the Onion" and in other CoDA Conference endorsed literature.  A 2nd motion if passed will also

           enable the continued use of the 2010 P&C for those members who would like to keep the current format of the P&C's

            on the official CoDA website as an alternative to the revised version submitted with the motion.

  Remarks Ayes:  37

               Nays:    2

               Abstentions:  1


  MOTION   11076            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Literature                  Name  Karla K.

  Subject   Motion #3  Doc

  Item:   To endorse a revised version of the Recovey Patterns which now includes patterns of recovery which are responsive

            to each of the revised Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence which have been submitted for endorsement at

            CSC 2011 as shown on the attached document.

  Intent Following the CSC CodA endorsement of the revised Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence in 2010, many

           members of the CoDA Fellowship requested a full and complete list of suggested recovery responses to the Patterns

           of Characteristic of Codependence.  This service item is entended to meet that request.  The recovery patterns

           contained in this service item are responsive to each of the patterns and characteristics identified in the existing

           Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence and in the revised version submitted to CSC in an earlier motion

           (Motion #1.)

  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11077            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Literature                  Name  Karla K.

  Subject   Report

  Item:   Completed projects, such as revision of the Patterns of Recovery , and Patterns and Characterists of Codependence.


            Working on continuing  projects:   Story Gatherers, 30-questions, among others.  Working on re-editing of earlier

            published pieces (Affirmations booklet, Tools of Recovery, In This Moment, etc.),


            Working closely with CoRe on various issues and appreciate their help.




  MOTION   11078            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Break

  Item:   Switching web coordinator report  on agenda with International VE reports on today's agenda.




  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11079            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  ACTION   11080            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Web Coordinator        Name  Roy L.

  Subject   Report  New CMS MP3

  Item:   Geff, Doug, Joan are part of Roy's team

            Doug does the e-store


            Past year's activities: 


            Many reports posted to Committee Work Area (CWA) ( )

            Username and password given

            Eradicating spam from thousands to one per week

            Making many reports

            Performing backups


            Reviewed the arrangement of website and used many graphics.


            Board minutes per the  motions and action items are now posted to the CWA.  It takes about two months to get the

             current months minutes listed.


            Board Liaison listing to each committee are included in the CWA, as well.

            There is a section to post VE information (delegate, e-mail information.)


            Gary gave a helpful demonstration of the possible new version of our website.  Dave F. has been spearheading the

            technical development of the site, and Gary has been assisting him.  There was a full exploration of the pages

            relating to Co-NNections as a way to demonstrate how to move among menus, etc.  Also explaining that there is

            capability to use pictures and graphics when submitting to Co-NNections. 


            There will be a training feature available to help members use the site.


            Draft version of the site under development is:




  ACTION   11081            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Co-facilitator             Name  David L.

  Subject   Break

  Item:   Announcements:


            Friday's session will be in the Columbine Room, Terrace level,Tower Side.

            Chance to go on an outing, talk to David L. (to leave at 6:00 or 6:15)

            International Report right after lunch today.

            Finance Comm. Lunch today




  ACTION   11082            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   opening

  Item:   Announcements:


            John - request for vounteers for answering phone




  ACTION   11083            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum Present


  MOTION   11084            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   International VE         Name  Geraldine, Heather



  Item:   To give voice to all members of  International VE group


  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11085            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   International VE         Name  Various


  Subject   Report

  Item:   Presenters:  Jutta and Werner  (Germany) , Delia (Italy), Geraldine (UK), Tonette (Guam), Yvonne (Australia),

            Heather (Hawaii), Fernando y Carlos  (Mexico), Deborah (Canada).


            Various members presented interesting and important details about CoDA in their countries.


            Judi Ann talked about an important e-mail from Egypt.


            Yee-Ching  (Taiwan) sent an e-mail as she could not be here, and Yoshi (Tokyo), who was present last year, sent a

            letter to be read this year, Isabel (Austria) sent news of her new baby, 


            Netherlands not represented.




  ACTION   11086            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary


  Item:   Break




  ACTION   11087            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  ACTION   11088            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Announcements

  Item:   Heather:  Women's Recovery Retreat,  Feb.3-12, 2012 in Hawaii.  Flyer available:




  ACTION   11089            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Report

  Item:   Judi, Della, Evie, Robert, Loretta, Lorraine, Carlos

            Have come to agreement with Events Committee




  MOTION   11090            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Motion #1

  Item:   Mileage Reimbursement


            We move that the mileage reimbursement rate for trusted servants who qualify for reimbursement of expenses, to

            attend Board and Committee meetings, be raised from  .42 (USD) per mile to .50 (USD)  per mile.  If the Federal

            tax allowance for mileage drops below .50, we will amend the rate to align with the lower rate.

  Intent To recognize the higher price of gas.

  Remarks Effective start date is July 1, 2011


               Ayes have it

               Nays no

               Abstentions none


  MOTION   11091            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Motion #2

  Item:   Rescind Motion #01049 Re: Advances

  Intent To remove a policy regarding advances that is no longer appropriate.  Therefore, we need to rescind it.

  Remarks Motion #01049 required the person receiving the advance to provide a post- dated check for the amount of the

               advance. If the member didn't account for the advance by 30 thirty days after the event, CoDA would cash their



               Because we now have international members, and it is difficult/impossible for CoDA to cash their foreign

               denominated checks, we can no longer adhere to the policy of requiring members to send checks in an amount

               equal to the advance.


               Ayes have it


  MOTION   11092            7/7/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Motion #3

  Item:   We move that the meals "per diem" for trusted servants attending CoDA committee or board meetings, be raised

            from a $35 maximum to a $40 maximum reimbursement.


  Remarks The per diem is for reimbursement of money expended, up to a maximum. If you spend less than the per diem,

               please submit only for the money spent.


               Ayes:  35

               Nays:    3

               Abstentions 5


  MOTION   11093            7/7/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Motion #4

  Item:   Committees and Boards shall submit their budgets to the Finance Committee 30 days before each CoDA Service



            Amendment:  Committees and Boards shall submit their budgets to the Finance Committee 30 days before the start

            of each CoDA Service Conference.The FSM will be modified accordingly.

            Accepted by committee

  Intent In 2010, two motions passed CSC by 2/3 votes

           One required that budgets be submitted 60 days before CSC   (Motion 10078)

           The other required two weeks before CSC   (Motion 10044)

           We submit this motion so that the time frame is clear.

  Remarks We think 30 days gives Finance time to review budgets.


               Ayes have it   

               Abstentions 2

  MOTION   11094            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T.

  Subject   Motion #5

  Item:   The Finance Committee moves to change the wording of the Fellowship Service Manual, Section 13 entitled CoDA

             Service Conference (CSC) Guidelines/Procedures, item number 12,


            from “Committee members are expected to be present at Conference to present their reports and perform committee



            to “Committee chairs are expected to be present at Conference to present their reports and perform committee work”




  MOTION   11095            7/7/2011  Vote MAJORITY       Committee   Finance                    Name  Curtis,Heather


  Item:   To table the Finance Committee Motion#5 ( 11094 ) to SSC.


            30 seconds


  Remarks Ayes:  25

               Nays:  10

               Abstentions:  6


  ACTION   11096            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Events                      Name  Michelle

  Subject   Report  Goals  Budget

  Item:   Michelle, Chris ,Petra, Jeri, Nancy, David


            Retained committee membership, and asks for 3-year commitment

            Formulated guidelines and defined process

            Preplanned next event

            Hope to plan with a 2-year lead

            Communicated through e-mail blast in various ways


            Is compiling data essential for operating Events (historical record)


            Events created in 2008 to merge CSC and Convention


            Presented figures per costs of CSC and Convention through recent years


            Next year CSC and Convention will be in Asheville, NC


            Cut coffee service due to prohibitive costs


            One of the goals for next year:  to bring a motion to vote deciding whether to separate CSC and Convention.




  MOTION   11097            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Events                      Name  Michelle

  Subject   Motion #1

  Item:   Update Service Manual's description of the Duties and Responsibilities of the Events Committee, It's in Section 10,

            page 49.


            Currently reads:

            Accept and review all bids for the upcoming ICC. Bids may be submitted 2 years prior to scheduled ICC and no

            later then 9 months prior to ICC. Present to Delegates and Committee Members at the International CoDA

            Convention dates, location and proposed budget for the next years ICC.


            Change to:

            Accept and review all bids for the upcoming International CoDA Convention (ICC). Bids may be submitted 2 years

            prior to scheduled ICC and no later then 9 months prior to ICC. Present to the fellowship at the CoDA Service

            Conference and International CoDA Convention: the dates, location and proposed budget for following Events.


  Remarks Ayes have it

  ACTION   11098            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Break

  Item:   10 minutes




  ACTION   11099            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary & David

  Subject   Opening, CoRe Board & CoDA Board interviews

  Item:   CoRe Board


            Terri S.  - had her interview earlier

            Salle H. - gave a brief overview of her CoDA experience

            Brandi D.- gave a brief overview of her CoDA experience


            Various questions were asked of candidates


            CoDA Board

            France W.  - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Evie S.  - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Florence F.  - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Barbara D. - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Lisa B.  - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Dagmar M. - Gave a brief overview of her past experience

            Mercedes-Gave a brief overview of her past experience


            Candidates answered questions.


            Various questions were asked of all




  ACTION   11100            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  MOTION   11101            7/7/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Cathy, Salle

  Subject   approval of today's minutes

  Item:   Moved to approve motions as amended


  Remarks Ayes have it


  ACTION   11102            7/7/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary, Michelle

  Subject   Close and some announcements about meeting Thursday night

  Item:   Meet on Friday in the Columbine Room Terrace level, Tower




  ACTION   11103            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Opening

  Item:   Readings:  12 Steps, 12 Traditions, Service Concepts

            Serenity Prayer


            Announcement:  Copier in Capital Rm




  ACTION   11104            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum Count



  Remarks Quorum met

  ACTION   11105            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T

  Subject   Budget Approval

  Item:   Committee presented consolidated budget of all committees for CoDA


            Board:    $14,900.00

            Fellowship Services:   $15,375.00

            General:  $38,075.00

            Co-Nnections:  $2,010.00

            Events:  $12,770.00

            H&I:  $7,950.00

            Finance:  3,150.00

            IMC:  $5,500.00

            Literature:  $6,350.00

            Outreach:  $4,750.00

            SPO:  $1,000.00

            SSC:  $4,750.00

            Translation:  $3,050.00

            Communications:  $5,600


            Total:  $109,580.00


            Prudent reserve = $112,510.00




  MOTION   11106            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Finance                    Name  Curtis, Dave S

  Subject   Motion from floor

  Item:   Move to limit board to 7 members


            Amended to 9 members:  Annie, Lou Seconded

            Yes:  29

            No:  7

            abstentions: 3  2/3rds vote


            New Motion:  Move to limit board to 9 members

  Intent to ensure that we have some finacial constraints for CoDA

  Remarks for this service conference only


               Yes:  34

               No:  3

               abstentions: 2


  MOTION   11107            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Finance                    Name  Judi T

  Subject   Move to approve budget

  Item:   Move to approve 2012 CoDA budget as presented


            Amend:  Add $3000 for the extra board memebers.  Committee accepted


            New motion:  To approve 2012 CoDA budget with $3,000 additional for board as amended

  Intent Total Budget:  Total:  $112,580.00

  Remarks Yes:  37

               No: 0

               abstentions:  2


  ACTION   11108            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  David

  Subject   Board Elections

  Item:   Slate:


            CoRe Board

            Terri S.  - elected

            Salle H. - elected as alternate

            Brandi D.- elected

            No further nominations for CoRe board


            CoDA Board

            France W.  - not ratified

            Evie S.  - elected

            Florence F.  -elected

            Barbara D. - elected

            Lisa B.  - elected

            Dagmar M. - elected

            Mercedes- elected


            No further nominations


            CDRS willingly waves its given voting privileges for this vote.




  ACTION   11109            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Old Business

  Item:   Call for old business




  MOTION   11110            7/8/2011  Vote TABLED          Committee   Board                       Name  Judi Ann

  Subject   VE Issues

  Item:   So-Cal  11-01 will be addressed at this time.



  MOTION   11111            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   SSC                         Name  Curtis, ?


  Item:   FSM is maintained by SSC,  tabled to SSC


  Remarks Ayes 29

               Nays 4

               Abstentions 5


  MOTION   11112            7/8/2011  Vote MAJORITY       Committee   SSC                         Name  Curtis, Brandi


  Item:   To accept the board minutes as tasks completed, but not ratify them.

  Intent Close this issue without approval of the board motions and actions

  Remarks There are numerous problems and conflicts with CoDA Traditions, conference approved business model,

               interference with committee responsibilities, actions taken that should have been approved by CSC before



               Ayes:  18

               Nays:  3

               Abstentions:  18


  MOTION   11113            7/8/2011  Vote WITHDRAW     Committee   Floor                        Name  Mary

  Subject   Board Motions

  Item:   Move that 2008 & 2009 be ratified and 2010 & 2011 be accepted.


            NO second




  MOTION   11114            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Communication         Name  Evie

  Subject   Motion #1

  Item:   Replace the three sections of the FSM related to communication with the new sections provided below in Remarks.



            Amendment:  To replace "twitter" with "social communication.."

              Amendment not accepted by committee


  Intent Ensure that the FSM reflects how we currently do business.  All changes reflect our movement to doing much of our

           work online and utilizing newer available technologies that were either not available or not used consistently when

           the sections were written.

  Remarks Below are the sections to be replaced. Areas that have been changed have been highlighted.


               Section 1


               Board Liaison to Standing CoDA Committees

               Description: The Board assigns a member to serve as liaison, to provide a communication link between each

               standing conference committee, the Board, and the Fellowship


               • Liaisons communicate pertinent information to their assigned committee, including: dates of Board meetings,

               CoDA Quarterly Service Report (QSR) publication deadlines, and any information related to the committee’s

               goals or commitments to the Fellowship.

               • Liaisons may serve in a consulting capacity between committees, providing guidance in such areas as financial

               management of committee budgets.

               • Liaisons communicate changes in CoDA’s overall financial status to committee chairs as soon as possible in

               order to allow for any expenditure adjustments.

               • Liaisons provide guidance in adherence to the Twelve Traditions in all activities.

               • Liaisons report on committee activities to the Board at the monthly con call or meeting, if no committee chair or

                representative attends. Liaisons submit written copies of standing committee reports to the Board before or at each

                scheduled Board con call or meeting.

               • Liaisons review committee reports prior to presentation to the Board and Fellowship, and prior to publication in

                the QSR. Liaisons may suggest changes to any report.


               • If conflict arises within a committee, the liaison may assist the committee in the resolution of this conflict,

               relying on CoDA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for guidance.

               • Conflict resolution may involve the Issues Mediation Committee (IMC); (see Section 10) if the committee chair

               and liaison feel this is desirable.

               • If conflict arises between the liaison and the committee, the committee chair or liaison may request IMC

               assistance in resolution of the conflict.

               • If a liaison/committee conflict seems irresolvable, the IMC will advise the CoDA Board. This is recommended

               because the IMC represents an impartial perspective on the conflict, and may provide the Board with a clear

               understanding of the issues involved.

               • In the case of irresolvable conflict, the Board may choose to assign a new liaison to the committee. This change

               will be reported to the committee immediately and the website will be changed accordingly. It will also be

               reported in the subsequent Quarterly Service Report.


               Section 2


               Section 12 Guidelines for CoDA Communications

               Communications within all of CoDA

               Informative and timely communications are necessary for the growth and maintenance of any service organization.

               Lack of communication among our members can cause unnecessary conflict.


               CoDA members have requested guidance in applying our Steps and Traditions to new forms of communication,

               specifically electronic mail (e-mail). The principles of effective communication may be applied to all forms of

               communication among members, committees, and service boards of CoDA.


               All e-mail/Internet and postal addresses are confidential and are for CoDA business use only.





               Because e-mail is less expensive and more efficient than Postal Service deliveries, its use is encouraged, provided

               boundaries are maintained. These boundaries include maintaining appropriate anonymity. Appropriate anonymity

               requires that we keep our CoDA business within CoDA and that our emails do not go to people outside the

               Fellowship.  It also means that we do not forward any email to a wider audience than the original thread without

               the author’s express permission.


               Note: The one exception to the above policy is when an email is pertinent in a dispute. In that case the email may

                be sent to IMC without the author's permission


               Our 11th tradition states: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always

                maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films. This does not say that we can not share our

               last names with members of the fellowship.  Whether or not to do so is a personal choice,


               Email providers may include your full name even if it isn’t part of your email address if you have provided it

               when signing up.  If this level of anonymity is important to you, use the tools provided by your email provider to

                hide your last name. If necessary, create a new email account and only use your last initial in the last name field.



               Anyone in the CoDA Fellowship can request that his/her email address be placed on the CoDA Announcements

               email list. Because e-mail copies involve no additional cost, broad distribution of general information is enhanced.

                Communication is enhanced when at least two members in each Voting Entity have e-mail addresses and are

               willing to disseminate information received via e-mail.


               Any communication may be sent via e-mail. However, care must be taken when sending copyrighted information

               via email in order to protect our copyrights.  Under the "fair use" rule of copyright law, an author may make

               limited use of another author's work without asking permission.  This means that only a small portion (never

               more than 1 or 2 paragraphs) may be used and no permission is required to do so.  Service items that are available

                on the website may be sent in full.


               Proper email etiquette should be used at all times while conducting CoDA business.  The following items are



                         Avoid offensive language, name calling and taking other inventories

                         When using reply all that includes aliases remove individual addresses that are part of an alias to prevent people

               from getting multiple copies

                         Do not use all capitals as that is considered yelling 


               Social Networking Sites

               Because there are concerns about anonymity and privacy on social networking sites no CoDA literature or CoDA

               business should be posted or discussed on any site that is open to everyone.  If anyone chooses to discuss CoDA

               literature or CoDA business on a private recovery site one should limit literature posting to very small excerpts to

                protect copyrights and use discretion when discussing CoDA business.


               These guidelines were developed with insight gained from the following Steps and Traditions:


               Step Ten: Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

               Note;  All I and My statements below were changed to We and Our statements.


               If we fail to follow our guidelines, we admit our shortcomings and make amends wherever and as soon as

               possible. If we wronged a person in private, we make amends in private; if we wronged a person in front of others,

               we make amends in front of others.

               Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon CoDA unity. We ask

               ourselves, "Does this message promote CoDA unity, foster fellowship or promote recovery? Could it be

               interpreted as disruptive or divisive?" If we receive a message that we consider disruptive or divisive, we share

               that feeling with the author before seeking other remedies. We ask permission before copying an e-mail message or

                other communication to others. We review our responses for adherence to our Steps, Traditions, and principles.

               Tradition Two: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority: a loving Higher Power as expressed to

               our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

               CoDA has procedures in place to determine the group conscience of a meeting, Intergroup, Voting Entity and even

                our CoDA structure. We determine our collective group conscience by selecting/electing representatives to serve

               the Fellowship. Our Higher Power gives us guidance in this way. Sometimes people may circumvent our process

               by claiming to be interpreters of our group conscience. To avoid future confusion, when we participate in a group

               conscience decision, we make written notes of the people who were notified and/or participated, identify the

               subject we discussed, and include the results of the decision.

               Tradition Three: The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.


               We need to be aware that not everyone in CoDA has access to telephones, computers, e-mail, or the Internet.

               CoDA is based on inclusion, not exclusion. Access to technology of any kind is not a requirement for

               participation in our program so we look for ways to distribute information, when requested, to those who do not

               have this access.. We make a sincere attempt to include all interested members in our discussions.

               Tradition Nine: CoDA, as such, ought never to be organized; but we may create service boards or committees

               directly responsible to those they serve.

               As a member of CoDA, and when working as a trusted servant in any way, we are respectful to the members we

               serve and the members we associate with. We communicate with others on matters that affect other groups or

               CoDA as a whole

               Tradition Ten: CoDA has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the CoDA name ought never be drawn into public


               As a member of CoDA and when working as a trusted servant, we respect the careful use of Postal Service,

               telephone, fax, e-mail and the internet. We do not use personal correspondence of any kind to draw Co-Dependents

                Anonymous, any of its service boards, or any CoDA member into public controversy on any matter.

               Tradition Eleven: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always

               maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.

               The Internet is not a private form of communication. It is a public medium. Publishing items to web sites is

               comparable to publishing in a newspaper. For this reason, we encourage members to seek anonymity in screen

               names, e-mail addresses, and postal mail addresses.

               Tradition Twelve: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place

               principles before personalities.

               We respect the anonymity of others and ourselves. We consider the point of view of any writer or speaker. Is

               anyone cloaking personal opinions or concerns in our Steps and Traditions? Are we all respecting group

               conscience procedures? Is there a possibility of miscommunication? Could we be making erroneous assumptions?

                Does it feel right? If not, it probably isn't. When in doubt, check it out.


               Section 3


   List of Affirmative Communication Actions
   • I respect the anonymity of others by not using a member's last name in the text of a message.

   • I obtain permission before faxing or emailing CoDA identified materials to a member.

   • I respect the personal integrity, anonymity, and privacy of each member, and I expect and deserve the same.

   • I maintain civility and decorum in my communications to members of CoDA, as I practice developing and maintaining healthy
     relationships. I continue to practice healthy interpersonal behavior in communications via telephone, fax, e-mail, and the

   • When in doubt about the content or intent of a letter, telephone call, e-mail, or other communication, I first request clarification
     from the author before discussing its content.

   • When I participate in a group discussion (in person or by Postal Service, telephone, fax, e-mail or on the Internet), I maintain
     focus on the subject at hand. My attention and focus is a gift I offer other members.

   • Recovery is a process; I respect each member for where that member is in recovery. I practice my program by sharing my
     experience, strength, and hope with others, not by pointing out faults and flaws in others.

   • The text of any forwarded message is transmitted verbatim. I do not edit it. (For the purposes of committee work where editing
      work is in process, I clearly mark a previous, unedited version and include it with my suggested revisions.) Generally, emails
      are not forwarded to people not addressed by the original sender.

   • I encourage others in their recovery, and do not "flame" them. Flaming is a written attack on a person, a person's opinions, or a
     person's point of view, distributed to multiple addresses, usually via e-mail. When my opinions differ from another, I share my
     experiences with that person, explaining how they are different or similar.

   • When sending email to a list of addresses, I send the message to myself and use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) for the list of
      intended recipients in order to protect the anonymity of the members.


Ayes:  31

Nays:    0

Abstentions:  2

  MOTION 11115            7/8/2011            Vote      WITHDRAW      Committee         Floor     Name    Roy, Judi

  Subject   Table

  Item:   To Table the Communications Motion #1 as the activity presently on the floor constitutes committee work.

            Amendment: Mover retracts motion.




MOTION    11116            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Outreach                   Name  Lisa

  Subject   Motion  #2

  Item:   The Conference shall appoint a new Ad Hoc Committee whose goal is to bridge the relationship between the Board

            and the Committees and ultimately the Fellowship. The representation will be:  2 from the Board, 2 from the

            Committees, and 3 delegates, alternate delegates (past or present), international delegate, or the CoRe Board, (past

            or present).  Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee shll come from the delegates/alternates CoRe.  This Ad Hoc

            Committee shall operate for 1 year and then report to the 2012 CSC.


            Amendment:  the CSC shall create

            Committee accepts change


            Amendment: and three others to be chosen  from the following:

            committee accepted


            Amendment:  The Conference hereby establishes

            Committee accepted


            The Conference hereby establishes a new Ad Hoc Committee whose goal is to bridge the relationship between the

            Board and the Committees and ultimately the Fellowship. The representation to be:  2 from the Board, 2 from the

            Committees,and three others to be chosen from the following:  alternate delegates (past or present), international

            delegate, or the CoRe Board, (past or present).  Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee shall come from the

            delegates/alternates CoRe.  This Ad Hoc Committee shall operate for 1 year and then report to the 2012 CSC.

  Intent To empower the Conference with the necessary information to bring unity to the Fellowship.


               Ayes: 31

               Nays:    6

               Abstentions:  2

  ACTION   11117            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   New business

  Item:   Open for new business




  MOTION   11119            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   IMC                         Name  Natasha

  Subject   Motion #5

  Item:   To add the following (highlighted) paragraph to the “Disagreement, Mediation and Resolution” process, Section 2,

            page 15, before the 2nd to last paragraph (starting with “Groups, Intergroups or Voting Entities do not establish

            CoDA policy… )


            It is essential that all disputing parties use CoDA’s approved FSM mediation process, and not an external

            mediation/arbitration process.  . CoDA follows the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions and has its own policies and

            procedures. The IMC will work with CoDA members and not attorneys hired or on a pro bono basis by any party

            involved in the dispute.  The IMC will base their recommendations on information provided by CoDA members,

            FSM policies and IMC procedures.

  Intent To follow the FSM, fellowship approved mediation/resolution process as outlined.  CoDA follows a 12-step program

            guideline; its own policies and procedures.  Mediation is an attempt to settle a dispute through an active participant

           of a third, objective party (IMC) who works to find points of agreement and make those in conflict agrees on a fair

           result.  The fellowship has not approved for any attorney to be involved in the process. An attorney for one party

           cannot be objective in the overall process. This motion reinforces Service Concept 7 & 12; Traditions 1 & 7.

  Remarks The point of mediation is to resolve disputes through an objective third party; achieve resolution out of court;

               process the resolution quicker, with mutual cooperation, and to end anxiety and problems which may also effect

               the organization. 


               In a dispute, IMC noticed that one party (because of their standing in CoDA) had hired an attorney on a pro bono

               basis (and later, CoDA actually paid for her services) as shown in their board meeting minutes.  They not only

               had the access to this attorney, internally, but the other party did not have access to an attorney, & they did not

               have access to the CoDA these funds as well.


               Ayes:  26

               Nays:     5

               Abstentions:  7

  ACTION   11120            7/8/2011  Vote 2/3 VOTE         Committee   Floor                        Name  Lisa, Yumi

  Subject   Elect ad hoc committee

  Item:   For the conference to elect the members of the ad hoc committee at this conference.


  Remarks Ayes:  31

               Nays:  6

               Abstentions:  2

  ACTION   11121            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  David L., Gary

  Subject   Elections:  Ad Hoc Committee

  Item:   Nominations



            Dagmar - she accepts   selected

            Barbara-she accepts     selected

            Evie-she accepts              




            Teresa-accepts   selected




            David-accepts      selected


            Delegates, Alternate Delegates, CoRe Board:




            Anita-accepts          selected

            Deborah-accepts  selected


            Werner-accepts     selected







  ACTION   11122            7/8/2011  Vote                        Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Gary

  Subject   Quorum Count



  Remarks Quorum reached


  MOTION   11123            7/8/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Lisa, Scott

  Subject   to approve today's minutes



  Remarks Ayes have it

  ACTION   11124            7/8/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Facilitator                 Name  Florence, Lou

  Subject   approval of complete 2011 motions

  Item:   To approve all motions of the conference.


  Remarks Ayes have it

  MOTION   11125            7/8/2011  Vote UNANIMOUS    Committee   Floor                        Name  Stephanie, Lou

  Subject   to adjourn

  Item:   Move to adjourn


  Remarks Ayes have it