Comité de Conexiones Mundiales

This committee was created at 2014 CSC and renamed to the WCC at the 2015 CSC. Purpose: The World Connections Committee (WCC) focus is to:

Connect with worldwide groups & members to collaborate by broadening the “experience, strength and hope” between worldwide voting entities, Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc. (CoDA) and the rest of the Fellowship.

Collaborate with groups and members to exchange information and expertise with voting entities, as well as, the CoDA, Inc.. Board and committees.

Act as a bridge and conduit of information for new voting entities, intergroups or individual meetings who desire a connection with CoDA, Inc..

Collaborate, disseminate and gain information concerning the fellowship needs and pass pertinent information on to appropriate sources.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Membership consists of one member and one alternate member per country/voting entity with observers welcome.
  • Committee members hold regular business meetings using teleconference services and exchange emails to facilitate communication and support of members doing service work.
  • Members participate within the committee to facilitate the growth and development of CoDA worldwide.


  • Maintain and increase contact information with worldwide voting entities as well as areas where there is no formal CoDA structure.
  • Support other countries/voting entities in CoDA development and growth and encourage forming Intergroups and Voting Entities thereby increasing participation and representation at the CoDA, Inc.. level.
  • Provide information and awareness concerning CoDA, Inc.. Board of Trustees, CoRe (literature and publishing), standing committees and service structure, as well as increased familiarity with the Fellowship Services Manual, Service Concepts and website navigation.
  • Share information on topics and interact with members.
  • Increase awareness of cultural and language similarities and differences throughout CoDA to assist in reaching out to the rest of the Fellowship.
  • Utilize information from country/voting entity reports, and email comments to identify needs which are prioritized by group conscience.

Policy and Procedures Manual

WCC Committee Minutes