I am feeling grateful to be recovering and recovered from codependent behaviors in my life.
I was raised in a large family – with much-disorganized dysfunction and verbal, emotional, and physical abuse.
As I write this, I do not remember having low self-esteem as mine is so strong now and I act upon my courage instead of fears constantly.
As a child control was not given to me, so I based my esteem on taking it by getting good grades and trying lots of sports to “own” my body.
Yet I so needed affirmations and love of others to keep going.
Now I keep using my first “boss” that the higher power of the Stars and Universal DNA has given me to pause and flow through life with acceptance.
How? I ask myself -who am I trying to please? What am I feeling right now? Where do I stand on this? Who is affected by my love or lack of it?
Josine – 2/2021
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