Co-NNections Recovery Stories

The Turning Point 6-20-17

The Turning Point
Years in the future reflecting fondly with glee, how my codependency recovery was blessed seeking new friendship so close to deep Sea…
Beautiful souls crossed CoDA paths from stormy past lives, on journey to our awakenings shedding warm tears in Blue eyes…
Healing my past feelings & letting go old resentments in life, made room for new thinking & new Love with less codependency strife…
This was my turning point sharing experiences of dysfunctional lives, this was my starting point sailing to find new healthy relationships Arise… 
Oceans of emotions were calmed before sunset at nights, full moon & bright stars made sky-gazing such Spiritually spectacular sights…
Safe new harbors of self-love I’ve found now forever in life, born an HP Agape love grown in CoDA fellowship till dawn at first Light…
Like a Lighthouse that glows with love & soul shine, I affirm renewed strength, hope & gratitude for God’s Universe on any future Step Climb…

Greg S. 5/29/17

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