Meeting Locator


Last update: 2022/06/30
This meeting record hasn't been updated in the past 12 months, yet may still be correct. We suggest you call or email the contact to confirm meeting status.
Meetings Currently Displayed in | Change Time Zone


  • WCO022

  • {{}}

    Spanish (Espanol)


  • 06:30 AM (GMT -5:00) Colombia Standard Timezone, Peru, Ecuador

    {{userTime.time}} ({{userTime.timeZone}})

    Face to Face Meeting

  • 1 1/2 horas


Special Instructions

Reuniones presenciales en el Colegio El Buen Consejo en la calle 104 N.17-22 salón Quinto A. sábados 10:00 am (Taller), Compartires 12:00 m y miércoles 6:00 pm Reuniones virtuales por el link Compartires lunes 7:00 am, miércoles y viernes 6:00 pm; sábados 12m y domingos 5pm. Lectura de literatura lunes 6:00 pm; práctica del Undécimo Paso martes y jueves 6:30 am y domingos 9:00 am

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