Face to Face Meetings -
Face to Face Meetings -
Meetings -
English (Ingles)
05:00 PM (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
09:00 PM ()
United States of America (USA)
Online Meeting
1 hour
Special Instructions
This group meets on Zoom on Sundays at 5pm EST and on Wednesdays at 9pm EST. If you would like to join us, please send an email to codagnostics@gmail.com requesting access to the Zoom meeting. Access covers both Wednesday and Sunday meetings. There are NO prerequisites to join our meeting (other than basic human decency) and while you may be asked to briefly turn on your camera to help secure the meeting from Zoom bombers, you are not required to be pictured on camera or to have your camera on for any other portion of the meeting. You are not required to turn on your mic or to share during open share time, but we do set aside the last 10 minutes for newcomers and offer "folkship" time after the meeting for open discussion and the opportunity to ask questions about codependency, coda, and a "Power of Five" group that is our version of group sponsorship and an alternative to the traditional one-on-one sponsorship format. We are a general share group format with an emphasis on diversity, inclusivity, and equity. Those interested in sharing are called upon to speak in the order that that hands are "raised" and given three minutes of time with a one minute warning. There is no crosstalk or feedback offering during the shares of others. We welcome everyone who suffers from Codependency, any other addiction, or those who simply want to join a supportive 12-step meeting. In this meeting, we value, in utmost importance, the voices, concerns, and thoughts of those of us who are traditionally marginalized in society, including those who are LGBTQ+, Black, those belonging to all communities of color, neurodivergent individuals, the non-religious and religious minorities, and those of us with disabilities.
To report errors info@coda.org
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