Communications Committee Main Page


  • Focus on improving communications up and down the inverted pyramid within the World CoDA Fellowship
  • Work towards ensuring that every codependent throughout the world will have access to all the CoDA information that is important to them
  • Work towards ensuring that all people within the World CoDA Fellowship have a better understanding of what is involved in making the fellowship work
  • Provide a mechanism for two way communication with codependents in distant or isolated locations, particularly those without active communities or voting entities to support them
  • Address those areas of communication not currently handled by the Outreach Committee
  • Has responsibilities regarding the “General Announcements” (CoDA Announcements) email list.


In seeking to fulfill our mission, the committee includes two working groups, CoDA Email Team (CET) and CoDA Phone (Cphone). They are in constant, even daily, contact with members of the Fellowship worldwide, so they perform the committee’s most pressing task.

The committee supports the working groups by including them in our administrative functions such as communications with the board or CoDA contract workers, reporting to the Fellowship quarterly (QSR) and annually at the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and in other ways helpful to their missions.

One of our broader tasks are to help provide content for the thousands of subscribers to CoDA Announcements. Our focus is on operational matters more than the spiritual inspiration provided by CoNNections. In 2018 we were also authorized by Conference to help any Voting Entity make use of CoDA Announcements as World Service Committees and the Board do currently.

We accept our mission to foster CoDA unity in this current time of electronic communication. It opens so many possibilities of connections across the Fellowship that we have no choice but to respond with our best efforts.

Communications Committee Minutes

Communications CoDA Service Conference 2024 Goals and Report

Policies and Procedures Manual


The CoDA Email Team (CET) is a group of actively recovering codependents that serve as the a ‘customer service’ branch of CoDA. We are fulfilling Step 12 through email rotation service work.

Our service work involves educating people about the CoDA Fellowship and connecting codependents with meetings worldwide. We provide information about face-to-face (f2f), phone and online CoDA meetings. We answer both general and specific questions about CoDA, and share our experience, strength, and hope (ESH). When appropriate, we refer others to specific CoDA Committees.

CET assists in updating domestic, regional, and international contact information and meeting lists by forwarding information to the appropriate Fellowship service worker. Where we can, we connect different people in the same region who want to start meetings. One of our goals is to be proactive in reaching out to and connecting with other codependents.

Most of CET’s service work takes place online through email; therefore, CET members ought to have an affinity and ability to communicate effectively over email.


The CoDA Phone Team (Cphone) is a group of actively recovering codependents that are available to speak by phone with anyone wondering what CoDA meetings are like or to answer other questions that are not addressed on the recorded menu that is heard when the CoDA phone number is called.

We provide information about face-to-face (f2f), phone and online CoDA meetings. We answer both general and specific questions about CoDA, and share our experience, strength, and hope (ESH). Cphone assists in updating domestic, regional, and international contact information and meeting lists by forwarding information to the appropriate Fellowship service worker. Where we can, we connect different people in the same region who want to start meetings.

One of our goals is to be proactive in reaching out to and connecting with other codependents. We refer others to specific CoDA Committees when they miss that reference on the recorded menu. The basic idea is to briefly answer whatever question the person is asking. We are not a counseling or crisis hotline nor can we refer them to one, so we indicate that to the caller. But we still try to be warm and communicative about CoDA as a resource for people desiring healthy and loving relationships.

Calls to Cphone volunteers are automatically forwarded to those “on-call” at the time of the call or go to a message recording system. These recordings are then accessed by the next person on-call and the call is returned.


Either of the working groups or the committee itself would welcome your offer to add your service. Qualifications that we have seen to prepare people for our work are:

  • 1-2 years in Co-Dependents Anonymous working the CoDA Steps and studying the CoDA Traditions (ideally with a CoDA sponsor)
    and having done other service work in CoDA at any level.

Because the working groups are the “face” as it were of World Service, there is a process to familiarize you and develop your readiness to take on the role in one of them. The committee merely has new members experience the committee’s efforts and interaction.


null to join our Committee.

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