About Co-NNections
Co-NNections Committee History and Purpose
Co-NNections began as CoDA’s newsletter, Bear Facts, in 1989. Initially, the newsletter and the Quarterly Service Report were bundled together and mailed to subscribers for $6 a year. The Periodicals and Publications committee published Co-NNections until 1996, when Co-NNections became a standing committee that took the place of Periodicals and Publications. Co-NNections has evolved slowly over time and now has two subcommittees: Weekly Reading and Meeting in Print.
The Co-NNections logo was designed in 1992 by a CoDA member whose entry was selected from a logo contest. The paper newsletter became costly and in 2007 Co-NNections became an online publication that was provided for free to CoDA members. In 2009, the "Weekly Readings" service was created. The 1992 Co-NNections copyright policy was updated in 2015.
Subscribers to the "Weekly Reading" originally received a weekly email notification that another article had been posted. Today, hundreds of articles written by the fellowship have been archived on Co-NNections in a format that permits searches on topics of interest.
The Co-NNections committee is a group of volunteers with at least one year of CoDA recovery. We review submissions in accordance with the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and CoDA’s web guidelines. When an article isn’t used, our editorial policy is sent to the author along with encouragement to rewrite and re-submit the article.
Weekly Reading
Weekly Reading, (WR) is now a subscription-based service. Each week the Weekly Reading Subcommittee sends out an inspirational recovery story. Weekly Reading is text based. If you would like to submit your own recovery story, please email it to connections@coda.org
Meeting in Print
Meeting in Print, (MiP) is published quarterly on the Co-NNections page at coda.org. The mission of Meeting in Print is to replicate a meeting on the Co-NNections page. Each issue of Meeting in Print contains the four basic CoDA documents read in all CoDA meetings world-wide as well as longer recovery stories, poetry, art, photos, and audio submissions. To contribute original recovery material to Meeting in Print, send it to mip@coda.org.
We hope that you enjoy Co-NNections’ various recovery offerings. Please consider service work on Co-NNections by sending inquiries to connections@coda.org.
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