Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Breaking_Light 4

The Breaking Light

The Breaking Light

I go on retreats several times a year to a
retreat center which is located in the Uwharrie Mountains of North Carolina. My
tradition is always to make sure I’m up early enough to walk down to an outdoor
chapel there to watch the sunrise.

One Saturday morning I walked down there in the gray of the morning thinking
that probably I wouldn’t see much, but that was ok. I was standing there looking
out over the mountains when I saw a tiny red beam of light on one of the
farthest peaks. I stood there and watched as more beams of light began to show.
There wasn’t an order to them, one mountain didn’t suddenly light up; instead
just little bits and pieces were illuminated by the sunrise until finally
everything was bathed in light.

My recovery has been that way. No sudden illumination of everything, just little
beams of recovery here and there. Little beams of hope that grow in no
particular order. Each bright light adding to the whole picture and each beam of
light bringing me hope.

Camilla P.

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