Co-NNections Recovery Stories

child_within 3

Child Within

Child Within

A ton of bricks hit me today.
I realized the ways I have behaved.
The craziness that held me back…
The fight or flight that kept me on this crazy ride.

I couldn’t break free,
because I couldn’t see,
I lost myself long ago…
When I still wore a Childs clothes.

I realized I must begin,
to heal the child trapped within.
Break the patterns I used,
Set myself free from confusion.

I know this will be slow,
But I am willing to tread.
because this I have longed for, for so long.
Is the answer to my sanity.

The cage door is open,
I am free to go.
to find my place on earth,
Give me wings….I will fly.

By Marianne W.

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