Co-NNections Recovery Stories

happy_ending 2


I am a 46 white female that was a child of a alcoholic mother who died a terminal
alcoholic. Until 6 months ago I have never heard the word co-dependency before used around me or to me with the exception of my father when he would sober over the telephone to my mother’s latest
therapist explaining how she was on another drinking binge again. My first reality of her really being a
alcoholic was when I was 6 years old and my mother tried to run my father over with the car to go to the local bar.. blind drunk as she drove away half way up the sideway walks of our other quite middle class suburban neighborhood. I do remember one time also my dad coming home in the middle of the day finding my mother dead drunk on the couch in the basement as he lead me to her by the hand he said see “that’s your mother ever since that day I have not had a lot of self-esteem. And of course the torch of self-worthless was passed on to me. Teaching me how to be in co-dependent relationships …hummmm… guess we do end up like our parents even
thought we do not want to be. My first unhealthily codependent marriage ended in divorce after years of abuse and codependency to a cocaine addicted ego manic. My second marriage I am in right now is better but still to co-dependent to a dead beat husband that can’t even help me pay my bill so I am working two jobs to support my self……If I had one wish in life it would not to win the Lottery….It would be to have a health, happy relationship with a good man who loved me dearly and fulfilled all my needs as well as his….Maybe one day I will win the lottery of love and not be a Co-dependent any more…. 

I hope you have enjoyed my tale of Co-dependency……hopefully I will be able to send you more tough my recovery and hopefully this recovery will have a HAPPY ENDING.

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