Co-NNections Recovery Stories

I Heard It,, It Now Lives In Me

I Heard It, and It Now Lives In Me

       I Heard It, and It Now Lives In Me 

Last night I heard the answer,
So clearly spoken, “love and life’s fullness are in you, focus there.”
I clearly understood it!

This great truth has always been waiting.
My ears, mind, spirit were finally ready and opened.
I received it into my heart.

I tried to soak it in.
I knew God was speaking to me.
I was so grateful.

At the same time,
I was afraid I’d loose the gift,
But still I heard it! In my heart I know it’s true!

I know the way,
And it seemed the clarity would never fade,
But I knew it would.

Nevertheless, I heard it!
It is here, so good and real,
And a gift from God.

Most importantly,
I heard it. I believed it. I was convinced,
And am determined to build on it!

I will cling to the truth.
It makes sense.
I will not allow myself to forget it.

I must feed it, practice it,
Experience it, savor it,
And live it every day.

Then I will own what I have heard.
The seed of faith is planted.
I must and will joyfully care for it.

Brenneman T. February 5, 2002


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