Co-NNections Recovery Stories

i_am_good_enough 2


(Experience, Strength and Hope)
by Roberta S.

I am no longer the
distraction that keeps
you from your
own demise.

I am not your life jacket
that keeps you afloat
upon your sea of
endless vanity.

I am not your divine
comedy of errors that
keeps you laughing
while you cry inside.

I am not your
contradiction that keeps
your lines of false
self-esteem connected.

No! No! No more!

I am the celebration
that honors the "self"
my truth and my heart amidst
the dejected confidence of others.

I am that greyhound
in the race of life
that catches the
hare and sets it free.

I am that butterfly
who was transformed
from a cocoon of fear
into wings of hope.

I am that small
seedling that flourished
into a strong willow
that bends with the wind.

I am a child of God.
I am from the veins of my parents.
I am equal to every human being on this planet.
I am from the shadow and the light.

I am me
I am good enough
I am here

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