Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Letting_Go 5

Letting Go

Letting Go

In my sick dependence to people who weren’t good for me, I never let go of
anything I didn’t leave claw marks all over!

I no longer have to hang on to people who are emotionally, physically, mentally
or spiritually unavailable to me.

I no longer have to give my love and caring to people who obviously do not
deserve my loyalty.

I no longer have to devote my efforts, time or money to people who would take my
kindness as a sign of weakness and use me for everything they can get, giving me
nothing in return but heartache.

I no longer have to throw my pearls to the swine.

I no longer have to blow kisses in the wind.

I no longer have to waste myself foolishly. Today I can give of myself wisely
and choose my inner circle carefully. Today, I care about myself enough to
protect my heart and soul. I no longer have to allow others to cause me the deep
psychic pain I have allowed myself to suffer for so long. I no longer have to.

Deb G.

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