Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Now Exhale – June 26, 2024

This poem was inspired by my Step 3 and Step 11 recovery work.  That stated, it is intended to show that despite my progress in recovery, surrendering to my HP as well as meditation is still a “process” and often that process involves internal struggle. 

Now Exhale


I am humbled by inner hurricanes

while clutching this red rose


then white, yellow, pink roses

parade through

as mirrored haras* open

now clutching tighter

my red petals bleed

then drip down

past thorny green veined stem

littering the red clay earth

old voices ring out

boyhood chitter chatter

wounds blister

dead memories

echo through these steel curtained labyrinths

now exhale.


Richard W.  4/10/2024

* hara: Japanese for “core” of one’s physical being (they believe it is located at the stomach)

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