Submit Your Story

We’re looking for submissions!

We want your personal stories & poems reflecting experience, strength & hope in your recovery from codependency (recovery in other 12 Step programs can be mentioned only peripherally, not as the focus). Our Committee Guidelines suggest the published articles contain in some degree Experience Strength and Hope, how it was, how it is, how CoDA helped. Our hope is that the readings will inspire and encourage members of the Fellowship.

Story Submission Guidelines

Submissions that violate the letter or spirit of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions will not be accepted.

Limited editing may be done for spelling, grammar & punctuation.


Articles from CoDA members soliciting for their own private or public enterprises or focusing on anything other than CoDA recovery.

    Send Us Your Story:

    For example: Bill W

    Please email your story to or submit your story in the above form.

    **These pages may not have been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.

    Writers, podcasters and videographers, hereafter referred to as contributors, agree to a shared release of copyright allowing Co-NNections® and/or CoDA, Inc. to publish their works for no compensation and granting Co-NNections and/or CoDA, Inc the right to reuse any work in any future publications. This waiver agreement allows the contributor and Co-NNections and/or CoDA, Inc the right to reuse the work in any future endeavors.

    May 5, 2017 approved by the Board of Trustees

    ©, All Rights Reserved.

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