Co-NNections Recovery Stories

Affirmations, Lessons – March 1, 2022

I am enough. I’m recovering nicely. Thanks, ? God. The steps work. Sponsors make it easier. Meetings, where miracles happen.

I’m exactly where I need to be. Easy does it. I wouldn’t be here if God didn’t want me here. We are blessed.

Accept what is. O D A T. One day at a time. Feel the feeling. Let go and let God. Pray ?. Play. Give thanks. Gratitude grows.

If we spot it, we got it. Promises happen. Thanks for the lessons. Enough God. Time heals. This is a we program. Trust me program. Progress.

How important is it? You might be right. Anything worth doing is worth doing imperfectly. Really?

What others think of us is none of our business. When in doubt call a recovery friend. Think outside the box.

Amends heal us. Make amends to ourselves. We can’t have healthy relationships with others till we have one with ourselves. God makes it happen. Always.

Almost always never say always. Never say never. Or can’t. Or hate. Or else ?.

Be yourself. Enjoy the journey. Thanks for the memories. And lessons. And life. Love ❤️. Unless we have other plans. ?.

It keeps getting better and better. Badder is history. The rest is history. Write, tell our stories. Write a new story. Pray for God’s will and power to carry it out. Carry the message.

This too will pass. Do what’s in front of me. Help. When down, work with another addict. Traditions keep us from homicide. Steps stop suicide.

Please add your favorites.

Dan D 1/4/2022

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