Meeting Handbook
Complete guide for starting and leading a local CoDA meeting
Meeting Readings
Individual Documents for Meetings
- Twelve Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous (Required for every meeting)
- Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous (Required for every meeting)
- Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous (long version) (Required for every meeting)
- Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous (short version)
- Preamble of Co-Dependents Anonymous (Required for every meeting)
- Twelve Service Concepts
- Twelve Promises of Co-Dependents Anonymous
- Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence 2010
- Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence 2011
- Recovery Patterns of Codependence
- Codependency & Recovery – The differences
- Group Inventory Guidelines
- “For Safety Sake” tent card
- Affirmations
- Meeting FAQs section of FAQs
Sharing, No Cross Talk
“For Safety Sake” tent card
After the opening there is usually a time of sharing where the group divides up into smaller groups of about 6-10 to tell smaller pieces of their individual recovery stories. There is only one paramount Guideline in sharing: “No crosstalk”. We make no comments about other people’s sharing and do not give advice.
As part of the closing, a prepared statement is often recited, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program. Let what is said here, who you see here, when you leave here, let it stay here”. A closing prayer is usually said and the slogan “Keep coming back – It works!”.
What is a CoDA meeting?
CoDA is a Twelve Step Fellowship of people whose primary purpose is to develop healthy and loving relationships. We meet to share our experience, strength, and hope as we work our program of recovery.
How do I find a CoDA meeting?
Go to the Find a Meeting page: You will find listings for US meetings and directions to find international meetings.
*Please note: During the COVID pandemic, most in person meetings have shifted to remote electronic platforms. If there is no information about remote access on the meeting listing, please call or email the contact person to confirm that the meeting is active and get instructions about how to attend.
What happens at a CoDA meeting?
CoDA meetings start with a moment of silence followed by the CoDA Opening Prayer, and reading, as written, our four foundational documents: The Preamble, The Welcome, The Twelve Steps, and The Twelve Traditions. Next, there is a time for sharing and listening. The meeting closes with The CoDA Closing Prayer. Some groups substitute The Serenity Prayer.
* Find more information about CoDA meetings in the booklet, The Newcomers Handbook,
What are the different types of CoDA meetings?
Most meetings are general, open to all. Some meetings may have a particular focus, such as newcomer, speaker, step study. Some meetings are only open to men, women, or LGBTQ individuals.
* Find more information about CoDA meetings in the booklet, The Newcomers Handbook,
How can I view, call, or email a contact for a meeting?
It takes two steps to get to the information about the contacts. First you put in your search criteria and click on submit search. When the list of results comes up, you can click on the meeting number/meeting name to see the full information on a meeting that you are interested in. Once this information comes up, it provides a primary and secondary contact with phone and email entries for both, if the information was provided. A meeting may only provide one contact and may or may not provide a phone number and/or an email.
How do I find contact information for the meeting?
You can view the meeting day, time, and contact info by clicking on the meeting number/meeting group name. This will show you all of the information the meeting has posted.
How do I join a CoDA meeting?
To join a meeting, simply go to the meeting in person. For Online, Phone, or electronic platform meetings, use the sign-on information to participate in the next meeting.
*Please note: During the COVID pandemic, most in person meetings have shifted to remote electronic platforms. If there is no information about remote access on the meeting listing, please call or email the contact person to confirm that the meeting is active and get instructions about how to attend.
How do I list a new meeting?
To list a new meeting, use the form provided on the meeting list page:
Should I provide two contacts for my meeting?
If you are able, having two meeting contacts is best. Listing two contacts, two telephone numbers, and two email addresses provides the greatest chance that a newcomer would be able to contact you concerning attending the meeting.
Can I still use the old paper form?
Yes, you can still use the forms available for download on this site.
How do I update an established meeting?
The fastest way to do an update your meeting information depends on the amount of data that needs to be changed. If you want to change one or two bits of information, the fastest way is to send an email to: meetings@
If you need to change more than two pieces of information, it would be faster to use the online update form. When you use the forms provided for an online update, it sends an email with all of the information to our Fellowship Services Worker, who updates your listing in the database.
How often should I update my meeting information?
It is vital for the health of our Fellowship to have accurate, up to date meeting information on our website. You should update your meeting information every time something in the information changes. If nothing has changed after one year, it is most helpful to send an email to to confirm the accuracy of your listing with the Fellowship Services Worker. Our Outreach Committee sometimes contacts meeting when they have not updated or confirmed meeting information for several years.
Suggested Items for Purchase through CoRE
Service Materials & Free Pamphlets
Fellowship Service Manual
Complete guide to all CoDA Service Structure
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